Chapter 11

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Aaliyah Otiento-Miller's POV

"Baby... does that guy look uncomfortable to you?" I ask Elian.

We walking down the street, holding hands after a long night, waiting for our driver, when I spot two men.

One of them is wearing a black hood and seems to be getting too close to the other and stumbling awkwardly into him.

The uncomfortable man is smaller in both height and stature and is turning paler by the minute.


'Start a conversation. I'll join you' I sign to Elian.

He nods.

He walks up to them and wraps an arm around the shorter man.

"Babe. Where did you go?! We've been looking for you all night!" He says.

The smaller man looks shocked for a minute, but after having a silent conversation with Elian using his eyes, he plays along.

He wraps his arm around Elian's middle.

That's my cue.

I strut towards them ready to act a fool!

"Babyyy. Have you found himmm? I'm tireddd" I say in a whiny voice.

I'm a woman!

Why am I making my voice higher?!


I clumsily walk in between our 'boyfriend' and the assaulter, taking my shoes off and handing them to Elian, making a show of rubbing my 'aching feet'.

He stumbles back and I hug the newly saved man, fixing the assaulter with an icy stare.

The man we're helping is trembling slightly, still in shock.

"Who is he, babe?" I ask him.

He shakes his head.

"I- I don't know. Can we go?... Please?" He asks softly.

The taller man looks shocked and slight disgusted, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Faggots" he spits under his breath.

I spin around, ready to break his balls.

Elian stands between us, drawing himself to his full height and staring down at the stranger.

"What was that?" He asks sweetly.

The hooded man steps back, surprised at the tone.

A beep sounds, signaling our car.

Elian turns to us.

"Ceres. Take our girl to the car please" he says to the man with a soft smile, handing him my shoes.

Ceres takes the shoes and my hand, walking to the car.

As soon as we sit down, I start talking.

"My name is Aaliyah, and my boyfriend Elian and I realised that you were uncomfortable. We are both lawyers and if you feel necessary we can provide you with good help." I say, plucking one of our company business cards out of my bag.

Ceres gives me a small smile.

"T-Thank you both so much for your help! He was trying to catch me on the way back from the cash point. I won't press charges. It's fine. Honest" he says.

Just as he says that, Elian joins us.

I look back to the sidewalk to see that the assaulter has long gone.

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