Chapter 1

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Hi guys and welcome to Days of Future Past. Sorry it's taken me so long to write and upload this but here we go. Book 2 of the Hank Love Story series.

Disclaimer I do not own X Men characters or films. I only own Pippa and her awesomeness.

-New York City-

The future. A dark desolate world. A world of war, suffering, loss on both sides. Mutants and the humans who dared to help them. Fighting an enemy we cannot defeat. Are we destined down this path? Destined to destroy ourselves like so many species before us? Or can we evolve fast enough to change ourselves? Change our fate. Is the future truly set?

The world had become a dark and deadly place since the all out beginning of the war between mutant and humans. But this was a path, that had been set in motion decades before and it would take a miracle and strength to change such a path. In Moscow two  hubs of Sentinels, a robot designated to eradicate anyone with the mutant gene and any human helping them traveled towards the once beautiful heart of the city. The bowels of the ships opened up and the moved towards a small fraction of the once formed X-Men. Warpath noticed the far off ships and dropped everything to warn the others below.

Kitty and Bishop were the only two not to fight the sentinels. These two had an important job, they had to get to a set out safe location, so that Kitty could send Bishop's consciousness back in time to warn them. Due to the little rewrite, the small fraction left early as if they were never there. But to get to said spot was never an easy task they had to fight to get there but ultimately they did and the sight that was once full of fighting was quiet, empty and unharmed.

There were so few  mutants left in the world and who were left faught for their lives every second of everyday. Professor Xavier found his former students and led Storm, Wolverine and Magneto to them. No more sides of mutants anymore, they were all on the same boat.

"Professor!" Bobby called as he and the others came out of hiding, the were now on a remote mountain top a former prayer temple in China.

"Bobby." Storm chimed and the two hugged

"Hey Kid." Logan greeted with a nod of the head while smoking on a cigar. Bobby nodded back in return

"Professor. I'm glad you made it." Kitty came out and Bobby took to her side to hold her hand. Xavier smiled at them and the foursome were lead inside. Kitty began to explain how they had been surviving.

"Whenever the sentinels attack Warpath spots them. I send Bishop back to warn them before the attack happens. Blink scouts the next site and then we leave before they ever knew we were there." Kitty explains

"What do you mean you were never there?" Logan wondered

"She projects Bishop back a few days to warn the others of the coming attack." Xavier summarised

"So she sends Bishop back in time."

"No, just his consciousness, into his younger self. His younger body." Xavier clarifies to his friend.

"Well." Logan breathed impressed. Erik looked to the side where Xavier was then back to kitty then him again

"This might just work, Charles." Erik commented

"What might work?" Kitty questioned confused by the the comment and it's meaning.

"The Sentinel program was originally conceived by Doctor Bolivar Trask. In the early seventies he was one of the worlds leading weapon designers. But covertly he had began experimenting on mutants using their gifts to fuel his own research. There was one mutant who discovered what he was doing." Xavier began to explain to the rest of the group.

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