Suddenly, the Mikaelson's ears perked at the sound of shoes clicking frantically against the cold tiled floors. "Bella!" A sweet voice chimed as she immediately jumped to my feet. "Bella where did you-"

There standing in the door way, her ever responsible twin sister, seemingly coming to there rescue, although too late. Getting to her feet, Arabella made her way to her sister, slinging an arm around her shoulder as if she wasn't literally soaking wet. "We're okay. It ran off, you were literally two minutes too late."

Rolling her eyes, Hope responded "I think I did pretty well to get here considering I had half a sentence to go by before you hung up!"

"Hey my phone died!" Bella put her hands up in mock defence.

"You better tell me everything Belle." she commented, smiling slightly.

"Fine mother." she replied, playfully nudging her sister.


Although her day was painfully boring, Ari had spent the last twenty minutes honing in on Stiles' conversation with Scott and Jackson.

So far, she hadn't learnt much, something about Derek testing him with venom, all three of them discussing the possibility of Lydia being the Kanima.

Conveniently, the girl was perched next to Lydia, sending her a comforting nod as she was called to the front of the class.

All was well, until Arabella noticed what the strawberry blonde had been up to. The same letter-like symbols scrawled across the board.  'EMPLEHENOEMOS'

She scampered to copy it, thinking maybe, just maybe it would be critical in helping her friend. Desperately, she tried to translate it, but couldn't relate the word to any other language, she was probably just overthinking it, right.

"Lydia?" the girl chimed in a gentle tone, catching the attention of a few classmates as she stared into space with a mortified expression. "Lyds?"

Coach Finstock noticed the change, continuing the call, "Lydia..." he added, until she finally let out a deep breath, choked with a small sob.

Sparing a look at her friends, Arabella immediately got up from her seat, "Coach can we?.." she asked, gesturing to the door, he only nodded vigorously in response.

With a hand on the girls lower back, Ari walked into the corridor, engulfing the distraught girl in a hug. "Lydia, are you okay?"

With wide eyes, the girl nodded, pursing her lips. "Yeah I- I don't know. Can we pretend that, whatever it looked like, didn't just happen in front of an entire class?"

Her friend chuckled, of course she was thinking about her reputation at a time like this. "Lyds,  what happened?" she asked in a careful tone.

With a sigh of frustration, she dabbed her eyes dry with a tissue. "I'm not crazy, right? You know i'm not crazy, I swear!" she rambled, growing increasingly agitated. "It was like a nightmare. I-..I don't.."

Listening to the girl stumble over her words, the Mikaelson piped up. "It's okay, hey. we can stop talking about it if you want?"

She nodded in response, silently grateful for her friend.

"wanna go check out hot guys in the coffee shop? We can skip this period."

With a scoff the strawberry blonde replied, "Of course. You have met me, right?"


Waltzing back into the school gates, the two went unnoticed as they slipped back into the hallways, fresh, piping hot takeaway coffee cups in hand.

Divine Serendipity • Stiles StilinskiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat