please stay?

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The next morning I woke up and I was still in just my underwear and was still snuggled into Harrys arms, I moved his arm off me and went to get out of bed

"You know I could get use to this!" Harry smiled at me pulling me back into his arms, The sad realisation hit me and I got out of his arms and sat at the end of his bed

"That's the thing isn't it you cant Im going back to new York in literally 2 days!" I smiled sadly at him

"Just move here then!" Harry smiled at me sadly

"I cant my whole life is over there!"

"Like what Alisha!" harry asked me

"Its just complicated!" I smiled at him

"So what is this just a holiday romance to you then!" Harry got out of bed pissed

"I didn't say that at all!"

"You didn't have to! I wouldn't have done this if I knew!" He snapped and walked out I heard the front door slam he obviously had left the flat, the thing is I never intended to come here and get feelings for someone at all!

2 days went past and I had hung out a lot with Cal, Liam and the sidemen boys but Harry was avoiding me at all costs we hardly spoke We never hung out together anymore and I was now sharing a bed with Liam even though Harry hardly ever came back to the flat! It was the day of me leaving and all the sidemen boys and Liam and Cal was there to say goodbye I gave them all a hug and said goodbye I could see Harry standing by the door avoiding eye contact with me but I couldn't just leave him behind so I went and hugged him and he returned the hug hugging me soo tight!

"Please don't go!" He looked me in the eyes

"I'm really sorry! I promise ill be back!" I had tears in my eyes

"Let me at least take you to the airport!" Harry smiled, I agreed and he grabbed my bags I went and got into his car and after two days of us not speaking he finally was speaking to me and was holding my hand the entire trip

"You know meeting you was the best part of the year for me!" Harry smiled sadly at me

"Mine two honestly Harry!" I smiled back at him

"Promise your come back!"

"Of course I will I promise!" he kissed my hand, it was sadly the time we had to say goodbye I got out the car and we had a massive hug and he kept kissing me, it was time for me to go check in

"You know I'm stupid for falling in love with you!" Harry smiled sadly at me he kissed my head and then walked away, I was stood there in shock! Harry had just told me he loved me tears were streaming down my face I was sat in the waiting area waiting to board when my phone pinged off

"You know I'm stupid for falling in love with you!" Harry smiled sadly at me he kissed my head and then walked away, I was stood there in shock! Harry had just told me he loved me tears were streaming down my face I was sat in the waiting area wai...

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@wrotetoshaw when its been 2 minutes but you miss them already!!💕 @Alisharose

I burst into tears Harry really has become a massive part in my life and I was leaving him behind

I burst into tears Harry really has become a massive part in my life and I was leaving him behind

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@Alisharose the best thing about London to me!!💕💕 @wrotetoshaw

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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