Chapter 2: A rainy day

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"It wasn't meant as a pick-up line, it simply occured to me!" Takeshi defends himself, as the rest of the family starts laughing.

"I've heard a few pick-up lines already," I join in on the fun, "but this makes it to the top of the list."

"Not you too, Aya you have a bad influence on your friends. Or do you simply pick the ones who you don't have to influence?"

"What do you mean with that? The remark was amazing so if it's influenced by me, you should actually reward me for it."

"It's only embarrassing."

"That's enough," Aya's father breaks them up. Well, I doubt it can be called a real fight since they were teasing each other, but they sure were loud and people have been staring at us since they started. "Come on, Takeshi, I still need to go to the supermarket for dinner."

"Oh right, you said so before. Bye!" The two walk back to the car, wave once, get in and we silently watch as the car heads off again.

"I'm sure Takkun would be too awkward to use a pick-up line, even if he liked someone," Aya mumbles as we walk back inside.

"I'm sure he'll get a girlfriend as well," Aya's mom says as she walks over to some plants. "Or boyfriend!" she adds after a few seconds, sounding a little guilty.

"I don't think Takkun is gay," Aya laughs, as she walks over to another table with flowers. "He always speaks of the girls on TV and in magazines, so it's hard to believe."

"It could all be a facade," I blurt out, as the two turn their attention to me and start chuckling.

"I never thought about that," Aya laughs, as she turns back to her work.

"You two are really the worst. Now come on, there's work to be done," the older female says, as I also hear a small chuckle escape her lip, before we continue to work in all seriousness.


"The weather really left me hanging..." I mumble as I look out of the window. The store just closed and it's pouring outside. "And I have to walk through it."

"You need to walk home?!" Aya's mom exclaims. I must have been too loud, and knowing how stubborn she can be... "My husband will pick us up soon, why don't you sit out the storm at our place? Or we can bring you home? I would feel horrible if you'd got sick in this weather."

"There's really no need-..." I start off.

"You should just call your parents instead of complain. It's not like she'll let you off the hook either way," Aya interrupts me.

"Then I'll quickly call home," I agree with a sigh as I grab my phone and walk away from the two females. I dial the number of home and wait for a few seconds.

Hearing the click of someone picking up, and then the voice of miss Loppar somehow disappoints me. "Hello, how can I help you?"

"Miss Loppar... So I assume mom and dad aren't home yet." I'm answered with an agreeing hum, but I continue talking before she can elaborate. I'm not interested in whatever lame excuse they have this time for not being home. "Due to the rain, I'm eating over at Aya's. They offered me a ride so I'll walk home afterwards."

"I can pick you up as well," miss Loppar answers, though I'm glad she didn't discard my idea entirely.

"They insist that I stay at their place. I shall call you once we're finished," I answer.

"Then I'll wish you a good meal." And the connection is broken.

"Alright, I'm ready to go," I mention as I quickly put away my phone and grab my bag. "My parents end up not being at home either way."

"You should step in first," Aya suddenly says. "You're the guest after all."

I frown, not quite trusting why she'd suddenly say something like that, but I decide to get in after all.

But, of course, I trip while getting in, and fall forward onto the back seats with a soft yelp. There must be a better way to find out your friend's car is higher than your own, I wonder, as I notice that the back seat -on which my head is resting- is warmer than it should be, and higher than the rest. I look up, and stare right into the eyes of Takeshi, who seems just as startled as I am.

Another panicked action, and I end up rolling off and in a very uncomfortable position on the floor of the car, hearing the front door shut.

"I meant for you to sit next to Takkun," Aya says, as she extends her hand which I gladly take. "Not fall on top of him."

"It was my own clumsiness, don't worry about it," I mention as I quickly take my seat in the middle and avert my gaze to my left, looking at Takeshi. "I'm sorry for suddenly landing on top of you."

"It's fine," Takeshi says, as he looks back at me. "I might have bothered if it were a guy though."

I want to ask what he means, but don't get the chance as Aya's father asks if we're all seated, Aya answers for us, and we drive off.

The Undateable (Discontinued) ~ Takeshi x OC [Fujiwara Bittersweet]Where stories live. Discover now