Chapter 1: The faithful encounter

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"Miss Rika, you should hurry. At this rate you'll be late for class." I look up at the mention of my name, hearing the familiar voice of miss Loppar. "The fact that your parents are out, doesn't mean you can skip out on class."

"I know, I know. I'm getting ready!" I respond, quickly grabbing a grey sweater saying 'Neverland' in curly letters, and a pair of black ripped jeans. After pulling both on, I drag a brush through my long, curly and red hair, tying it up into a messy bun. Adding just a little bit of mascara to my green eyes finishes the look as I shoot into my heels, racing downstairs.

"Are you sure you want to wear heels to school?" Miss Loppar asks, as she turns her bright blue eyes to look at me. Miss Loppar is a rather small woman, in her sixties. She wears her grey hair in a short bob and her bright blue eyes never cease to comfort me.

"Yes, I'm sure. I always-..." before I can end my sentence, I get cut off.

"Always wear heels because you think you're too short. Oh dear, you aren't that short. It's perfectly normal for a female." Even though she says that, I can't quite believe it. I have always been the shortest at school, and it wasn't always a fun thing. Some people would pick on me because of my height. Ever since my parents agreed that I had the age to wear heels, I've been wearing them every day. I only exchange them for sneakers when doing sports.

"Is breakfast ready?" I ask, to change the subject.

"Ah yes, I've already prepared your breakfast. Though you're late so you'll have to eat it in the car," she answers as she hands me my bag, a sandwich with a package of juice and starts hurrying me towards the car.

I sigh and just let it all happen, mentally preparing for another day.

School went the same as always. I went to my classes with Haru, Ichigo and Aya. I provoked a teacher and almost got into trouble, then got into trouble with Haru over it. Aya once again complained about her being called problematic for punching Toshio -while 'obviously Hanata is way more problematic'- and Ichigo just beamed about her anime in between.

"So you are all heading off to your clubs?" I ask as I look at the three.

"I'm sorry, we really need to do a lot of preparations for the cultural festival..." Ichigo apologises. Her short brown bob and two buns wiggle around as she walks towards the door, the red ends making her look even more energetic. Her glasses move a little on her nose and her big hazel eyes always stand curiously. It gives her a very nice and approachable look. Thinking back on it, I think she was the reason I dared sit with my three -now good- friends.

"You should have joined a club yourself if you didn't want to be bored after school," Haru says, folding her arms. Cold as always, nothing special anymore at this point. Her orange eyes pierce at me, as her brown hair floats behind her while walking to the door. She seems like the opposite of Ichigo, but yet they get along very well. Aya once said that opposites attract, and that's my only guess for this situation as well.

"I have to help my mom out at the store," Aya says. "You can join again, but I feel bad for taking your time after school with work all the time." Aya's lighter brown eyes look at me apologetically. Her short brown hair is a mess, as usual, but it looks rather charismatic. The mess suits Aya, probably because her personality can be a total mess as well.

"I don't mind joining. I don't have anything to do either way," I mention as I get up as well. "My parents are at work either way so they won't miss me at home."

"I bet my mom will love your company," Aya says as we walk to the gates together. "She's been thinking about giving you a pay since you drop by so much. She told me she feels bad about having you help out all the time without compensation."

"It's nothing," I mention. "I just need a way to fill up my free time and it's fun. I never asked for the job so there's no need for any payment." I let out a chuckle to try and lift the serious mood.

"I hope she'll take it," Aya says, letting out a small laugh. "After all, mom can be really stubborn."

"Like you?" I ask, looking at her while lifting my eyebrow.

"Oh, come on. I'm not that bad," she responds, pouting her lip to enforce her words.

"You stood on following that Ikki and-"

"Alright, yes. I punched someone. God, when are you gonna drop that?!" I laugh, as suddenly Aya's mom stands in front of us. I didn't notice her being outside, but her brown eyes are already sharpened to interrogate Aya and me.

"Aya, who did you punch? Should I expect a call from school?" she asks, her brown bob -though straight instead of Aya's messy brown her- moving around with every word as to enforce it.

"Calling with school? What did you do now?" two males walk up to us. Both also have brown hair, though a little darker. Both have dark brown eyes, but a pink-reddish shade glosses over it.

The first is probably around his forties, having dark circles below his eyes, and wearing his hair down. Wearing his red sweater, he looks very nice and gentle. He does look like he could gain some extra weight, almost sickly slim.

The second is probably around our age, wearing his hair in messy spikes pointing upwards and having a confused look on his face. The confused look doesn't undo the slight playful twinkle in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth turn slightly upwards as Aya sighs.

"Why is there a family reunion here?" Aya asks, as she looks like she just gave up on life.

"Your chaotic mother forgot her phone, so we came to bring it," the older man says, which I now assume to be Aya's dad.

"I simply joined because I had nothing better to do. But tell me, why would school have called?" The expression of the boy has now changed into a playful smirk as he watches Aya.

"A few days back this jerk pushed me up against the wall and I hit him. I don't think anyone else saw so you won't get called by school," Aya reluctantly answers. She then turns to me to introduce the two males. "This is my father," she starts off by pointing at the older male. I nod as a greeting, before Aya continues talking. "And this here is Takeshi, my brother. Though feel free to call him Takkun."

I nod again, responding after making sure Aya is done talking. "Nice to meet you, my name is Hanata Rika. Feel free to call me Hanata."

"Hanata as in flower?" Takeshi immediately asks, being stared at by his entire family.

"Takkun..." Aya starts off, now having gained the attention of everyone in her dreadful pause. "That was the worst pick-up line I have ever heard."

The Undateable (Discontinued) ~ Takeshi x OC [Fujiwara Bittersweet]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن