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A/N: iforgotthatkeefelivesattheshoresofsolaceithinkimloosingmymind! Let's pretend that the Neverseen raided Shores of Solace trying to kidnap Keefe, so now they live in Candleshade, okay?

Tam POV:

✰Light-Leaping is Brought to You by Nike, "Just Do it."✰

I opened my eyes and looked up at Candleshade and it was... big. It definitely didn't seem like a house Keefe would want to live in, which it seemed like he didn't. He trudged to the door and opened it, gesturing to come in.

"Here we are, home sweet home," he deadpanned. "A little more than one year until I can move out." I could tell he wasn't too enthusiastic about living here with his dad. I can't imagine having to live in Choralmere with my parents. Keefe walked to the elevator and I followed him in. It was pretty small and our shoulders were touching, so I tried to keep my emotions neutral.

"So," I said, trying to break the silence. "Where's Ro?"

"Since we defeated the Neverseen, our bodyguards were sorta optional, but Ro stayed since 'He'll never confess to Blondie without me!' Anyways, since there's not much to protect me from, she doesn't have to come with me everywhere."

"Does she know about, y'know, the plan thing?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure-" Keefe got cut off by a Bing! from the elevator, indicating that we were at the first of the three stories his room was on. "Here we are." His room did not look like anything like I thought it would. It was neat, tidy and plain. "Oh, sorry, wrong floor! I have my first floor all neat and tidy so Lord Nosypants doesn't get too mad at me. On the second floor of my room is where I really live. We can just take the stairs up though." He pointed to a small spiral staircase that leaded the the next floor.

"Okay." We walked up the stairs and there were papers scattered all over his tables. There were drawings of our friends, some funny memories, some not-so-funny memories, and one medium-sized canvas of a painting of Sophie. It looked like he was almost a quarter through the painting.

"Wow, I didn't know you liked her that much," I said as I pointed to the painting. Most of me thought that it was funny, but my tongue had a bit of bitter taste. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that I was... jealous. I looked at Keefe and his face was scarlet.

"Yeah, well, I was going to give it to her once we started dating, but I guess that's not happening now." He grabbed the painting and put it aside. I sat on the edge of his bed.

"So... what do you want to do until we meet up with Bi and Sophie?" We still had a few hours before we were supposed to go to Atlantis. He layed down on his bed with his eyes closed. His long, dark eyelashes spread across his cheeks, making him look almost angelic.

"I dunno. I usually just draw when I'm bored."

"Okay, where you do keep your pencils?"

He opened one of his eyes and asked, "You draw?" He seemed surprised.

"Uhh, yeah? I'm probably not as good as you, but I'm not that bad," I admitted. He handed me a pencil and a piece of paper. "What do you usually draw?"

"Depends, I guess. We could draw each other?" he suggested. I nodded in agreement. "Maybe you'll finally realize how amazing my hair is!"

"In your dreams."  I began to sketch. I decided to draw a half body picture. I drew a circle and then a "U" beneath it for a rough outline of his head. After, I drew his muscular jawbone, his smile, the way his eyes sparkled, how his hair was artfully messy, but in a cute way, and I realized that Keefe Sencen was sorta... attractive. My face turned red, but Keefe was too busy drawing to realize. I decided to draw his body quickly before I felt anything else towards him.

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