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A/N: Tam has started falling for Keefe, but is the feeling mutual yet? Also, can we pretend that there are pancakes in the Lost Cities because that would be awesome and delicious.

Keefe POV:

I rubbed my eyes before opening them and then was confused until I remembered last night. Linh was asleep on a couch and I was on another one. I sat up and saw Tam and Marella in the kitchen. I guess I must have fallen asleep during the movie next to Tammy. Wait, NEXT TO TAM?! My face flushed as I realized that I must have fallen asleep on him.

"Morning sleepyhead," Tam said with a smirk.

"G-good morning. What time is it?"

"10:42," Marella replied. I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Is there some way I can help?" I didn't want to be rude. Especially after staying overnight and eating their food. I didn't even bring anything over!

"Do you even know how to cook?" Tam asked, without taking his eyes off of the pan.

"Pssh, of course!" He finally looked up and I could tell he didn't believe me.

"Okay, well, I'm not a great cook, but what did you expect?" I asked defensively.

"Fair enough. Grab the batter and put a scoop on the pan," Marella instructed. I did as I was told and then grabbed the pan at the same time as Tam. Both of our hands flew back at the touch and I could swear I saw some pink on his face.

"I'll cook this one, why don't you see if Linh is awake." He didn't look up at me, but he seemed kinda flustered. I walked to the living room and saw Linh still sleeping on the couch.

"Hey Linh," I said softly.

"Mmm." She replied, while turning away from me and pulling on the blanket.

"Uhh, Tam asked for you."

"Five more minutes," she replied sleepily. I could tell she was still tired, but Tammy said to wake her. I guess I'd have to try another strategy.

"Okay, I guess I'll just let Marella know that you don't want to see her." That got her attention.

"Mar?" She opened her silvery blue eyes.

"Guys, are you coming for breakfast or not?"

"Coming," we shouted in unison and ran to the dining table.

"Breakfast is served," Tam said as he put the pancakes on everyone's plate.

"Mmm, looks good! Thank you guys," Linh said, eyeing the pancakes hungrily.

"You know you can start, if you want," Marella reminded her.

"Oh, right!" Linh giggled and started digging in. Tam rolled his eyes, but a grin was on his face. It was times like these where I almost wished I had a sibling. The only thing that's stopped me from ever wanting one was that no one else should ever have to go through what I did. Being Mommy Dearest's "Legacy Boy" and having to exile your mom that has tried to kill your friends multiple times was not a walk in the park, physically and mentally.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, Tam asked, "Do you want whipped cream, maple syrup or butter?"

"Uhhh, butter please." Marella handed it over as Tam grabbed the whip cream. I looked away to put my butter on but next thing I know Tammy's pancake is no where to be seen! It's covered in a mountain of whip cream! (Rhyming was unintentional!) 

"Want some pancake with your whip cream?" I jokingly asked. He tugged on his silver-tipped bangs, hiding his creamy complexion. Wait, creamy complexion? Since when do I notice things like that?

"Haha, very funny," he said, but I did see a hint of rose tint his cheeks.

As we were finishing up our pancakes, Linh asked, "So, when did you guys realize that you had so much in common?"

As I was about to say that I was nothing like Tammy Boy, he said, "I don't know, I guess we realized that we couldn't be frenemies forever, and so our relationship became a little nicer." I looked at him in shock. If he was acting, he was an amazing actor. While the sensical part of me said that he obviously didn't mean that, there was a little part of me that hoped he was telling the truth.

"Nevertheless, it's still obvious I have much better hair," he said with a smirk.

"Hey, not true!"

But before we could start to bicker more, Linh said, "They would make such a cute couple." Our faces flushed. Linh looked at Marella and was confused.

"Wait, did I say that out loud?"

"You sure did. Thanks for shutting them up," Marella said with a playful grin. I looked down at my lap. At least our plan is working, right? I thought it was me that was thinking that before I realized that it was Tam shadow-whispering. I gave a small nod that only he noticed. But there was also something that he didn't notice. It was the small bit of happiness and hope that said that he didn't hate me and wasn't quitting the plan.

"So, what are your guys' plans for today?" Tam asked Marella and Linh.

"We were going to ask Bi and Sophie if the wanted to hang out or something."

"Maybe finally convince Biana to ask Soph out," Marella said. Tam's eyes widened.

"You knew that Biana liked Sophie?!"

"Uh, duh. Why?" Did Tam not tell them about Sophiana?!

"'Cuz they got together," I said, trying to sound nonchalant about it.

"Tammy, why didn't you tell us?" Linh asked with a look of hurt in her eyes.

"I was going to wait until Biana or Sophie told you themselves. Maybe their relationship was on the down low," Tam said hesitantly. "Anyways, maybe it's best for you guys not to call them, in case they don't want you guys to know yet. I'm sure they'll call you when they're ready to tell you."

"I guess you have a point," Linh said, disappointed.

"Hey, why don't you guys have an afternoon to yourselves? Wylie and Tiergan are gone, so you can have the whole house to yourselves."

"But where will you go?" Marella asked skeptically.

"You can hang out with me, if you want," I chimed in. It's the perfect excuse for why we would hang out two days in a row. I guess Tam was smarter than I thought.

"Sure, I guess," he said while getting up to put the plates in the sink. "Lemme grab my stuff, and then we can light-leap over to your house or whatever."

"Okay, cool." Tam ran upstairs, to what I presumed what was his room and came back a few minutes later. 

"Bye guys! See you later. I put some leftover mallowmelt in the fridge, by the way," Tammy said. Linh was lucky she had a brother as nice as Tam, and vice versa.

"Bye," I said as I looked in my pockets for my Candleshade's crystal.

"I think you might have left it on the couch," Tam commented.

"Oh, right, thanks." I walked over to the couch and saw the sparkling jem laying there. "Got it," I informed as I walked back to Tam.

"See ya guys later!" Linh chirped.

"Later," Marella said. We waved before I held up the crystal and we stepped into the light.

Keefe and Tammy are  f i n a l l y  realizing their love for each other! I hoped you liked this chapter. Please, please, please, please, please comment a cute nickname for Keefe! My brain apparently has zero brain cells and can't think of anything. Thank you! Vote if you feel like it!


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