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A/N: This takes place once they've defeated the Neverseen, by the way!

Keefe POV:

Today was the day. I was going to do it. If Fitz could do it, I could too. I mean, I even have The Hair! Foster and I have been through everything together. Where would I be without her? Probably locked up in a cage getting questioned by Mommy Dearest. I mean, sure, I did some crazy things like join the Neverseen itself... but Bangs Boy did too! We defeated the Neverseen almost half a year ago. Sophie, Biana, Dex, Wylie and Stina are still on Team Valiant, but it's fine. Anyways, today was the day I was going to tell her. Honestly, she might be in shock because of her adorable Foster Oblivion, but I just hope- y'know... she doesn't have her eye on anyone else. I mean, Linh and Marella are already together, same with Fitzypoo and Dex. I mean, they might be poly-amorous, I guess, but I don't think so. She might like Stina, or even Wylie. Wylie is aro though. Therefore, only other two people were Shady McSilverBangs and Bi (Biana, not bisexual). I was about to walk to the Leapmaster when I heard someone clear their throat.



"I'm about to go to Havenfield, what do you want?" I asked.

"I just want to let you know you CAN'T chicken out this time."

"Me, chicken out? In your dreams, Ro. I am the supreme Lord Hunkyhair. No one can resist my Lordiness!"

"First of all, 'Lordiness' isn't a word. Second of all, you've tried to do this thirteen times and chickened out at the last second. Heck, once you even told her and then said it was a prank!" My face flushed, contrasting with my pale skin and ice blue eyes.

"... I- so what?  Today is the day. Really."

"Okay, but if you don't... let's just say you're not gonna sleep tonight." She grinned. I gulped. Welp, no going back now.

I turned before shouting "HAVENFIELD!" to the Leapmaster; my particles getting gathered by the light.

✰Light-leaping is Brought to You by Geico, "15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance!"✰

I opened my eyes and look out into the great, green pastures of Havenfield. I called Foster on my imparter.

"Hey Keefe, what's up?" she greeted. The beautiful gold flecks in her eyes sparked in the sun.

"Can you meet me under Calla's tree? I need to tell you something." DON'T CHICKEN OUT KEEFE! Remember what Ro said. You want to sleep tonight, right?

"Oh, me too! Be there in five."

"Okay, bye."


Now all I had to do was wait. Soon enough, she came out in a teal tunic with black leggings; they had lots of pockets. As usual. Her silky, golden hair flowed down, stopping a couple inches below her shoulders.

"Hey!" I hugged her.

"Hi! What was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Uhhh, why don't you go first? Didn't you want to say something?" I could feel two main feelings coming from her; excitement and nervousness.

"Oh yeah! Umm, so, y'know, Biana and I have been getting closer because of Team Valiant."


"And, I'm bisexual, right?"

"Yeah..." I knew that, but what does that have to do with anything?

"So, umm, well... Biana and I got together!"


"Yeah, like we're dating. I felt like you should be the first friend I told since we're so close." What?! I... really?

"Oh. Uhh, that's really... great? Congrats."

"Thanks!" she exclaimed, not noting my shock. "I can't believe I didn't realize my feeling for her before. So, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

"I..." What do I say now? I had a one second panic attack before I said, "I forgot. Umm, I'll imparter you if I remember."

"Okay?" I could tell she was confused. She was onto me. I'll have to think of something tomorrow.

"Ah, I just remembered something. I got to go, Foster. Sorry! I told my dad that I'll meet him right now, and I don't wanna be late. Sorry, bye!" As I lied, I got up and held up Candleshade's light leaping crystal.

Her "Uhm, okay, I guess. Bye!?" was the last thing I heard before the light whisked me away.

~~~Light-leaping is Brought to You by State Farm, "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there!"~~~

As soon as I walked in to Candleshade, I saw Ro waiting for me to spill the tea. How was I gonna tell her I chickened out and that Foster liked Biana?

"H-hey Ro!"

"You didn't do it, did you?"

"Uhhh, what makes you think that?" She stared at me though her thick, black eyeliner. When she gave you that cold, hard stare, it was like she was looking inside the depths of your soul. I knew she could tell that I didn't do it. If I did, I would have stayed there way longer.

"Fine, I didn't do it. But that's because-" I paused, hesitating.


"F-Foster's dating Bi." I could see Ro's mouth opening, about to say something, but I couldn't handle it. It took all I had not to cry in front of my bodyguard. As tears brimmed my eyes, I clenched my teeth and ran to my room. Once I got in I slammed the door and belly-flopped onto my bed. The reality had set in. I'll never have Foster if I don't think of a plan. But how could I do that without hurting Biana? She's practically my little sister. We grew up together and pulled pranks on Fitz all the time. We both admired Alvar before he turned. I already hurt her once before, by rejecting her. Could I really break her heart once again, only to mend mine? What the T-Rex am I supposed to do?!

A/N: What do you guys think? I'm open to any constructive criticism. Also, sorry if they were a little out of character! I'll try to do better!! Don't forget to comment and lmk what ya think! Thank you so much!


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