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A/N: Tammy x Sun Boy = TrUe LoVe   XD

Tam POV:

Keefe caught me by surprise when he grabbed my hand and ran upstairs. I mean it's not like I hated it, actually, I sort of liked it. I tried to convince myself that it's because we're friends now, but I didn't really believe it. I've held Marella's and Dex's hand before for a game, and I never really liked it. Before I could think about that any further, Sun Boy and I reached the top of the stairs.

"So, what jerkins do you want to get?" I asked him.

"Ooooh, lets get matching ones!" he said like a little kid. He looked so cute when he said that, and eventually I had to agree.

"Okay, Sun Boy. What color? Don't say yellow."

"But that's what I was about to say! You would look SO cute in yellow!!" I blushed and tugged on my bangs. I tried to remind myself that he probably didn't mean it that way, but a small part of me hoped that he did.

"What about black?"

"Really Tammy? Black? That's so boooooriiiiing," he whined.

"Fine. Gray," I compromised.

"There is no way you are really that boring. Try choosing a color in the rainbow!" I groaned.

"Maybe we should just choose different tunics," I offered. As soon as I said that, he frowned.

"Pwease, Tammy?"

He gave me his puppy eyes, and I couldn't break his heart, so I muttered, "Blue."

"Yay! They have a blue section over there," he said while pointing. Before I could even agree, he grabbed my hand and ran over there. What is it with him grabbing hands and running? I didn't mind, though.

"Wow, your hands are finally warm, thanks to Lord Hunkyhair! I never should have underestimated my mad skills," he declared while running a hand through his hair.

"Oh supreme Lord of The Hair, how could I ever repay you for this great act of kindness? I obviously couldn't have done this myself by circulating my blood by moving or anything," I said while rolling my eyes.

"Oh peasant, do not worry. The great Keefester is a kind Lord, and will let you go free of charge. There is only one thing he asks of you; let him hold your hand more, so it will never be cold again," he said with a wink. My whole face completely flushed, and I couldn't even think of a retort for him calling me his peasant. "You're looking a little flustered Tammy, are you finally seeing my supreme hair, or my hot appearance?" he teased. I rolled my eyes trying to cover my crimson face with my bangs.

"Whatever. Let's just choose the jerkins. At this pace, Biana will be done before us." We ended up choosing a blue jerkin with a gold trim and grey sleeves as a compromise.

Their matching jerkins (with no color, sorry):

Their matching jerkins (with no color, sorry):

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