-no other way i'd rather go-

341 9 6

guess 🙂

He stared at the familiar driveway of his target.

The assassin swallowed a lump in his throat as he readied himself for the kill. Despite not wanting to do this, he has to. It was an order.

As he walked past the door he had the access to at all times, all the bittersweet memories he's created here with his loved one flashed at the back of his head. His gloved fingers brushing against the frames that held photos of himself and some of them both together.

The dog in the house was sleeping soundly. not sensing danger as the assassin was a known human to him. He crouched down to make sure it was sleeping before making his way to the master bedroom where his target would be sleeping.

He looked at the living room once again.

"You think we can make it happen?" The dirty blonde asked as the red haired ran his fingers through his hair.

"We can."

The dirty blonde smiled at the positive attitude of the red haired. He inched closer, snuggling into a cuddle.

The assassin made his way through the passageway, remembering all the smiles and laughs he's had with his lover, dancing as they made their way to the other parts of the houses. The kitchen for example.

The place where meals have been cooked successfully or been burnt. Where mess has been made. Where they paint each others' faces with cream or whatever gooey food that can stick to their faces.

Of course, like every other lovers, they would argue. But they would always make up a few moments right after.

The assassin reached the bedroom where his target was sleeping. All if a sudden, his mission came to mind, reminding him that this was an absolutely necessary act.

"Here's your next target."

The dirty blonde took the file from his leader's hand. He flipped through the pages and realized that he knew this man.


"You have to."

"No! What wrong did he ever do to you?! I'm not doing it!" He protests as he threw the file back to his leader. There were tears in his eyes. It was either he felt like his leader wasn't being fair to him, or because he felt betrayed by his own lover.

"You read it here in the file. What he did wrong."

The blonde shook his head and kept denying it. He can't accept this at all. He can't do it.

"An assassin's work, is to kill. Your work, is to kill. And right now, I'm asking you a favor. You'll get as much you want for this kill, I promise but you have to do it."

He kept on shaking his head, knowing full well he can't deny his leader's words.

He took his knife, and inched closer to the red haired male.

He kept thinking of the least painful way to kill. He didn't care about sounds and decided to use a gun but his leader told him to keep quiet when killing. Knives are good. Slice it at the right spot and they'd die just like that.


The assassin stopped right on his spot when the male woke up.

"Is that you, dear?"

Beomgyu dropped the knife as Taehyung got up from his bed. Taehyung looked at the knife on the floor and immediately knew what he was here for. He smiled.

"So you knew?"

Beomgyu, who had been holding his tears finally let a tear roll down his cheeks.


Taehyung just kept on smiling throughout the conversation, as if this was anything to be happy about.

"I was supposed to arrest you. The day I met you, I was supposed to take you out. But I didn't."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because I just felt like, it wasn't right."

Beomgyu scoffed.

"Gyu, I fell for you the second I saw your kindness. My boss kept telling me about how vile you are, how evil you are but I see none of those. The three years, I spent with you proved to me how much you can be kind. You can leave this madness behind."

"I CAN'T!!!"

Taehyung looked at him with a concerned look.

"They'd kill me if I ever let anyone go. I can't leave." Beomgyu started to bawl. Taehyung slowly nodded his head.

The red haired was crying. He sniffled as he walked towards the assassin. He crouched down and picked up the knife that fell to the floor. He held it, blade facing his chest. He smiled at Beomgyu who was currently crying.

"Well then. Live on for the both of us."


Taehyung hugged Beomgyu, making the blade go through his skin. Beomgyu started to bawl as he could feel the blood oozing out and was sucked to his shirt. Taehyung finally fell to the ground, his legs too weak to carry his weight anymore. Beomgyu fell along with him, bot wanting Taehyung's head to hit the ground hard.

"Don't cry..."

Beomgyu kept on bawling as Taehyung starts to lose more and more blood. Beomgyu wanted to save him so desperately but he knows he can't so all he could was to cry. A tear fell from Taehyung's eyes when he sees how badly his own lover his crying.

"I just can't imagine another way that I would die than this. If this was the way I died in my past life, by your hands, I would die in the next life this way. There's no other way, I'd rather go, than to be in your arms."

"Why are you spewing that nonsense just shut up!" Beomgyu yelled. He felt hurt that Taehyung wanted to die this way again in the next life. He hates it. If this was how he killed Taehyung before in his past life, he wants this cycle to stop.

"I love you. And I hope to see you again."

Beomgyu leaned down to kiss him, showing him his love instead of declaring it. Taehyung died in his arms, with a smile, and a kiss from his beloved. Beomgyu doesn't know that this was a beautiful death to Taehyung. He kept on crying over his dead body, blaming himself for his death.

Beomgyu held Taehyung's cold hands that were once warm. He embraced Taehyung's dead body that would once wrap his arms around him back.

The engagement ring was still on his fourth finger, making it even harder for Beomgyu to just leave. If he must go to prison then so be it. He wanted to be there until anyone ever finds him.

Beomgyu hummed a song Taehyung used to hum to him. And as morning comes, he placed a warm kiss on the cold lips of his dead lover.

With the last bit of strength he could muster, he smiled at Taehyung, hoping he'd be able to see it.

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