Chapter 5- Helping Out

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Hayes POV

I was waiting for piers to come to my house so I could talk to him. I was thinking of how I was going to start off and say to him but I didn't have enough time because I heard the door bell and I knew it was piers. So I went down to go open the door. Once I got to the door I opened it and saw piers there just standing and looking down at the ground.

"H-hi Hayes" piers stuttered

"Hey piers...come on in" I replied to his hi and let him in my house

"So what is it that you wanna talk about?" Piers asked me as he was looking around my house.

"Come on let's talk in my room" I said as I grabbed piers arm and took him to my room

Once we got to my room I locked the door and then turned around to face piers. Then I sat down on my chair near my desk where I do my homework and do my YouTube video edting.

"Sit down if you want" I told piers as I signaled piers to sit on my bed. Piers then sat down on my bed.

"So what is it that you wanna talk about Hayes?" Piers asked me again

"I know..." I responded to piers

"You know what?" Piers asked confused

"I know about you..." I replied

"What is it that you know about me?...Hayes tell me or I'm just gonna get up and leave and go home" piers told me feeling annoyed that I haven't told him yet of what I know about him.

"Ok before I tell you what I know, I went to see your mom so I can know more about your background..... And well she told me and now I know that.......your gay......and how you had it tough for the past few years piers......and well I called you to come here to not only talk about that but to tell you that im here if you need anything and that I'm sorry for earlier at like piers I just wanna be a true friend and help you out.....look I'm not those types of people that just pretend to be friend and then just leaves you just please let me help...."  Hayes pleaded at piers

"Fine....okay then but if you do anything messed up to me I will never forgive you nor trust you ever again...okay?" Piers said be serious

"Okay piers don't worry I'll even might be your best friend" Hayes said

"let's not get ahead of our self's okay" piers said

"Haha okay then well to start off wanna sleepover here at my house later on?" Hayes asked piers

"I've never been to a sleep over before..." Piers said feeling bad about it

"You've never been at a sleepover before!?! Your missing out...look go back to your place and ask your mom if its okay for you to spend the night here at my place and that I will take to school tomorrow as well and bring your PJs and clothes to wear for tomorrow when we go to school okay?" Hayes told piers

"Okay I will if I come back then that means I can and if I don't come back and she won't let me I'll message you okay?" Piers said

"Okay then see you or text you later" Hayes said as piers then left and went back to his house to ask his mom if he can stay over at Hayes house for a sleepover

*Piers house*

Piers POV

I made it to my house and I went to the kitchen to find my mom and ask her if I could stay over at Hayes house.

"Hey mom can I spend the night at the Grier's house? Hayes said that his mom is cool with it and she will alos take is to is it okay?" Piers asked his mom

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