Goodbye Dunman High, Singapore (pt 2)

Start bij het begin

-Xilins final outfit.- (ignore the bag)

And at last, we have finished our photoshoot!

-Back with EXO-

Last time we left them to sort out Luhans and Taos mini argument (if you can even call it that). Now everything seems very calm-

"Careless, careless
Shoot anonymous, anonymous
Heartless, mindless
No one who care about me"

...... Like I was saying until Baekhyun and Chanyeol *glares at them* interrupted me, everything seems very calm in the EXO-M van. With Lay and Tao sleeping and the other members listening to music with headphones. This is the quiet van.

Now with EXO-K, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are singing MAMA very loudly that I think the entire of Singapore can hear them and are blessed with thier voices. This is the loud van.

"I'm going to take Xilin out for dinner tonight. You can have her tomorrow." Sehun suddenly says, over the loud music of History playing.


"Yah! Oh Sehun! We go back in-"

"10 days. So I have her tonight and the rest of you can choose when you have her."


This is awkward. Let's leave them and wait for them to get to Dunman High School.

"Is it Secondary or High?"

"High. She goes to Dunman High."

I thought I just- nevermind.

-Back with Xilin-

We had to go back to form after since our photoshoot was over. (Shes wearing the first outfit change).

"I will be handing out the yearbooks. Go do whatever you want. Sit wherever you want. I just hope this day gets by quickly."- Teacher.

"Xilin, come sit over here" Weiyuan shouted.

"Move over here. Pretty much all of us are over here." I yelled back.

"No yelling in the classroom. Curley I thought you should know better. Especially being an idol."

"Just so you know, when I'm in Korea I live with 11 guys. When I'm in China, I live with 5 guys. So yeah, I do shout alot. Especially living with Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol." I talk back.

"Whose Jongdae"- Random Girl who I don't know the name of.

"Chen! Bloody hell, didn't you know that." Hee yelled.

"Well, I'm sorry" she said very sarcastically. Oh ho ho ho, you do not be sarcastic to Lin Hee.

"Right you little bit-" Hee started.

"Hee calm down. Just ignore her." Hao tried.

"But HaoHao, she-"

"I know, I know but getting angry won't do anything."


At least Hao stopped her. It wouldn't of been pretty.

-Xilins yearbook photo-

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-Xilins yearbook photo-

"Why can't my photo be like this." Fen-Fang says. "Mine looks so ugly!"

"Let's go to lunch guys!!"

"You really do love food don't you.:

"Maybe, maybe not."

-With EXO-


The boys finally arrive at the school and without realising it walked straight into a messy canteen with Xilin being no where in sight.


"I um.... Sorry.... I was aiming for Curley and it hit you instead....."

"宜興哥哥你還好嗎?(Yixing gege are you alright?)

"我很好,錫林。整理一下自己。" (I'm fine Xilin. Go clean yourself up.)

Finally after several months they finally graduate. No more High School.

안녕 Dunman High.
Goodbye Dunman High.

챕터가 닫혔지만 새로운 챕터가 이제 막 시작되었습니다.
A chapter may of closed but a new one is just beginning.

Let's see where life brings us.
삶이 우리를 어디로 가져 오는지 보자.

안녕, 내 젊음.
Goodbye, my youth.

안녕하세요, 제 성인입니다.
Hello, my adulthood

Goodbye, to my closest friends. Let's meet again in this lifetime. If not this one then the next one. We will meet again. Thank you and I love you.~Yours sincerely, Xilin.
친한 친구에게 안녕히 가십시오. 이번 생에서 다시 만나요. 이것이 아니라면 다음 것. 우리는 다시 만날 것입니다. 감사합니다. 사랑합니다 ~ 진심으로 자일 린.

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