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Tagged by MiraculousPJMs88

Thank you dear

1) What is your zodiac sign?


2) Most used words?

What, unbelievable, and ridiculous.

3) Do you suck or bite your lollipops?

I suck my lollipops.

4) Do you talk to yourself?

Yes, ever since I was a young girl.

5) Do you like short or long hair?

Both, all women rock in their own hairstyle.

6) Are you attracted to dark or bright colors?

I am more of a pastel color person but I do love black or royal blue.

7) How fast can you type?

Do not wish to brag but I can type a 1,000 word page essay in fifteen minutes.

8) Favorite school subject?

Back in high school I took this creative writing class and fell in love with it. However, I also enjoyed my American History Music class.

9) Biggest fear?

Being a stay at home rich wine mom/wife.

10) What do you like more, K-Pop or Indian songs?

Both are beautiful languages.

11) Your surname?

Prefer not to say. Sorry. :/

12) What makes you feel alive?

Whenever I skydive.

13) Two best things that happened to you in 2020?

Got engaged and got promoted.

14) What's your favorite season?

Probably summer or fall.

15) Your dream location?

It's a secret place I am not allowed to say. I apologize.

16) What are your favorite phone apps?

Spotify and HBO Max.

17) What's your favorite book genre?

I'm not a picky reader. I enjoy many genres.

18) Name one book you would like to live in.

Silver by Norma Fox Mazer. Ever since I read that book in Primary school, I craved a life so far different than the one I was raised.

19) A dream you wish to be real.

For my brother and best friend to relocate back.

20) What's the wildest thing you have done in a hotel?

Meeting David and Victoria Beckham.

21) Use three words to describe yourself.

Independent, stubborn, and reserved.

22) What's your personal heaven?

To be overlooking the rainforest through my balcony in one of my favorite hotels.

23) Can you show your handwriting here?

Wish I could but I don't have any paper or pen on me. :C

24) Height?


25) What's your phone wallpaper? 

25) What's your phone wallpaper? 

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