Dear Class of 2020

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I would like first to start off with how sorry I feel to those high school seniors who didn't get to graduate with their friends and family. I wish I could've talked about my happy high school graduation experienced but my graduation wasn't a happy one. I also missed my graduation. Although I gave the senior graduation speech I gave it pre-recorded. I did not attend my graduation as I was out of the country for a family business. I didn't hug nor take pictures with my teachers one last time. No pictures with my friends wearing our cap and gowns with our yellow honor roll stole and gold cord. Nothing. My only graduation picture is me next to my grandfather as we're sitting by the plane window. My face concentrated on the magic trick he's showing me with his hands and a coin.

To my college bachelor graduates. Oh, how my heart mourns for you. You've worked basically all these years for your graduation to just be robbed from you. Don't think you are forgotten because you aren't. On the contrary, you are a legend now. Having the courage to move forward and graduate. You are paving a way for future graduates. My bachelor's graduation wasn't as happy as my high school. I did not graduate with my classmates or friends as I graduated one whole year earlier. I graduated alone and even with the proud smile of the audience, the flashing camera lights, and the loud cheering I still felt utterly completely alone. 

In these hard times, I, just like millions of people, took the courage to graduate. I, with my master's degree. Many say it is a dark time in history right now. That these are dark times. Alas, however, they are wrong. There is no such thing as darkness, only the absence of light. As Albus Dumbledore once said, "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light."

Class of 2020, we got the graduation we deserved but not the one we asked for. Our graduating class was chosen for a reason. We have been challenged beyond our control because they know we can take it. Battle after battle we always overcome. Although with the harsh events the world is currently facing, we have to understand the future is now.

Change is now.

We are the future.

Congratulations to you all... now let's go and change the world!

(The image above is a picture of my master's degree who my dear mother is holding)

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