I'm not emotional

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"Here we are, the popcorn had troubles so- oh no, no no", Lyle complained and Ellie and I started laughing, "I thought you'd like barbie?", I asked "Alright I'm out", he said and wanted to leave but I stopped him, "Okay okay what do you want to watch", I asked him and he smiled, "You can decide but please...no barbie", I nodded and we decided to watch Avengers Endgame. At first I wasn't sure, you know, I didn't wanted to cry but then I agreed and we watched it. 


"How the fuck you're not crying", I asked Lyle while wiping my tears away "Well I'm not really familiar with the character I guess", he said and I shoke my head, "And anyways, I'm not really emotional pff", he continued

flashback 2 weeks before

"Lyle you - you are crying???", he turned his head, "No, no I'm not, not at all, something is in my eye ", he excused himself. Aha "Well it seems like you are crying", I handed him a tissue. He took it but didn't answer

"She left him", he whispered after a minute, "For a day!!!", "But she did", he answered still sobbing, "Oh and you aren't emotional I understand huh", I answered laughing, "Yea yea Let's eat", he stood up and walked away without looking at me and I? I couldn't help but laugh


"Well  2 weeks ago it was different", I was exposing him, "No you don't understand", he rolled his eyes and walked away in a 5-year-old style, "Erik tell your brother he should accept that he's emotional", I said and jumoed back on the couch, "He's your brother too!!", "You know him longer", oh yes he did

"Can I go to bed?", I heared Ellie's soft voice", "Oh of course, I'll bring you to bed, as Erik has to talk with with your little brother", I winked at Erik and he smiled, "Oh yea, he indeen is", he said before leaving to the kitchen, where Lyle was 

Erik pov

As I entered the kitchen, I saw my brother doing dinner "Hello little brother, come on help me", he demanded me "Hey can I ask you something", he looked at me, "Sure, what's up", "Well, what do you think about Lauren?", I asked him and he smiled, "She's amazing. I'm glad we found eachother. Could have happened in a different way, but now she's with us and noone will hurt her ever again", he said

He's right. I don't exactly know what she had to go through, I just know that she was hurt outside and inside, when she came to us. I wanted to ask her once but I don't think I should, she seems happy and I don't want to bring her memories back or so

"Yes, you're right. Today after school Jake wanted to talk to her", "That Jake?", Lyle asked surprised and I nodded, " Ohhh What did you do", he asked me and I told him the short story


Lauren pov


What was that, I thought to myself as I sat up in my bed, at 2:55


A knocking. Who would be here at 3am??? 


What if it was the boys - our parents? No Erik told me that they don't know about this place. They told me that noone knows about this place, except we four. But...then who was outside there-

The knock. Again

I quitely stood up and went to the front door. I saw a person-like shape, but since it was dark I couldn't really see nothing else than the black shape. 

It knocked again.

What do they want? I'm a bit afraid of opening the door but I don't want to wake the boys, they would think I'm a baby. Alright Lauren. Just - here, a tennis racket. It's big and holy shit, heavy as fuck. Okay slowly, open the door

I grabbed the pawl and pulled it down, holding the racket infront of myself. They looked at me and I looked them in the eyes

"Who are you", I asked quitely

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