Leslie Abramson

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"Erik !", I said while running i his arms, the first time seeing him after the...shooting, "I'm sorry I'm so sorry for what I did I didn't wanted to but you know what he had done if Lyle and I wouldn't have done that", he began tearing up and so did I, "Please don't hate me", he whispered under tears

"I could never", I took his face with both of my hands, "I promise you you will come out of here okay", I tried to sound calm, even though I was pretty afraid and nervous myself, "You just have to stay strong okay, I will get you and Lyle the best lawyer in California, we will prove that it was self defense, you won't go to jail, you hear me, you won't and neither will Lyle", he nodded, "Okay", he softly said

I talked to him for a while, I told him about Ellie and he was almost as happy as I was, but happier, after that I was leaving to see Lyle, since he was in a different cell, "Hello", I said as I saw him and he turned around, "Finally", he said and hugged me, "Please tell me we won't have to go to jail please Lauren", he looked me in the eyes

"You won't, I promise. I won't let it happen", I said full of confidence, "You're amazing", Lyle said and smiled a little, "Finally you admit it", I responded, "What is with Ellie? Is she...", he turned serious and sad at the same time, "No, she is alive", I quickly enlightened him and he smiled so wide, I've never seen him smiling that much before, "She just won't be able to uh walk ever again", I completed

His smile got a bit less but he was still smiling, "But she will make it?", he asked and I nodded, "Oh my god ", he hugged me very, really, very tight, I almost couldn't breathe anymore, "Lyle can you please-", "Oh sorry", he laughed and let me go, I started laughing too


"Alright, i just heard the details and I can tell it really was self defense, I promise you they will be free soon", Leslie Abramson, the boys lawyer said to me, as she left the little room, where she just had talked with them, "Thank you so much. Really, I am so thankful for your help", I looked at her just as a tear rolled down my face

"Oh of course, don't cry sweetie, It'll be alright, I will give everything to set them free, to convince the court about the truth", I smiled at her and wiped the tears away. I, we need to stay positive. Everything will be fine, "I guess you already know about the testimony which will take place tomorrow at 7am", I nodded ans she continued, "Will you be there?", Leslie asked and I nodded again

"Of course I will", I answered and she smiled, "Then see you tomorrow, and remember, keep your head up", "See you", I answered and nodded at the same time.


It was cold. I was wearing jeans, a long sleeve shirt with a pullover plus a jacket but I was still freezing. I mean, it's September, I didn't expect to be warm, but not this cold?? I can't wait to finally enter the building. After 5 minutes of walking Andy and I were finally there, and we entered

Sweet warmth

We sat down as the sort of "Crowd ", I don't know how to call that and waited. If we haven't waited for hours then I don't know. Ugh.


A door opened and Erik and Lyle walked in with a guard on each of their side. I looked at them and Lyle and I made a short eye contact. It hurted, It hurted to bad, seeing both of them in chains next to those guards. This isn't right

I felt my eyes getting wet and I softly smiled at him. I was about to completely burst into tears, but I hardly could control myself. The judge talked a bit, before bringing Erik on the witness stand. I tell you, that day was one of the most emotional days I've ever experienced

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