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"Are you good? Did he hurt you? I'm sorry I didn't step in earlier Oh my god", sweet how much he cared, but he really didn't need to "Hey it's fine, nothing happened, we're good, thank you", I hugged him and I could see his smile

"Alright, let's go back, I bet Ellie can't wait to see you ", now I smiled, we went to the car and drove to the house, "We're back!", Erik shouted in the little but still big house. Suddenly Ellie ran out of her room and as she saw me she ran up to me and hugged me "You're back!!!", "Hey sweetie", I hugged her back "Can we eat now I'm hungry but I wanted to wait for you", Ellie asked

"Sure, Erik can you help her bringing the food in, we're coming in a minute", Lyle said to Erik and he nodded

"I was at your old house and uh your dad I mean uh yea whatever, you got a letter", he gave it to me "Thank you, you can join the other, I'll be there soon too", he smiled and left. He was at my house,  I wasn't there for eternety. Was my dad there? Should I call him like this? Let's find out

I slowly opened the letter, I was really nervous, understandable when I am about to find out who my real dad is...or?





based on testing results obtained from analyses of the DNA loci listed, the probability of paternity is 99.9996%

Jose Menendez is identified as biological father of Lauren Parker

No. No no no this can't be real. I bagan feeling dizzy and I barely could stand on my legs "Hey are you co- Oh god you good", Erik asked me, but I couldn't answer, I just shoke my head "What happened", I couldn't answer, also I hadn't the power to stay on my feet and fell to the ground. I blacked out

Lyle pov

I heared Erik screaming my name so I enterd the living room and saw how he picked Lauren up from the floor  "What's going on", I asked him and run over to them. He carried her to the couch and layed her down. "I don't know, I don't know!!!", he yelled. Erik tried to talk to her and wake her up, meanwhile I saw the letter I just gave her laying on the floor. It was already opened, so I picked it up and read what it said


Oh my god, "Damn it", I wishpered, but Erik could hear me, "What what", he asked, "The letter I uh I  was at her old house and she got a letter and I gave it to her", he ran towards me and took the letter out of my hand, it took him a while till he realized what was in it "Now I undersatand", he said. Yea, I do too


"Hey, you good?", I asked Lauren, she finally woke up, "Yea I just had a - oh no,no no no", she buried her head in her hands, "I hoped it was a nightmare", she sobbed "Sadly...It's okay we'll figure it out", I hugged her. I know how she's feeling. Maybe not finding out that my "dad" isn't even who I thought... But having a father like dad. 

I wanted to help her, I really did, I just didn't know how. Maybe it would be better if we would stay here for a little while longer "Hey come on, he won't hurt you, I promise, we'll stay here as long as you want to okay?", she moved her head and we had eye contact, but still seemed like she didn't listened what I just have said

"So you - you are my brother and and Lyle and Ellie too", I smiled a bit, but tried to hide it, I didn't wanted her to think that I don't take this serious, "Yea...but that's something positive isn't it? Or am I already too annoying huh", finally, she laughed , "Yea, you really do, but it's fine, I kinda like it", she answered still smiling

Lauren pov

I was talking to Lyle as Ellie run up to me and hugged me tight "I heared you wasn't feeling good, are you better now?", she asked me with her beautiful smile, "Yes, yes now that you're here, I can't but feel better ", she giggled, the boys and Ellie did a great job, they really made me forget about everything what was happening. 

"Hey Ellie I have an idea", "I'm down", she answered without even knowing what I was planning, "Do you like barbie?", I asked her


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