"Something smells good. What kind of food is that?" Polnareff asked curiously walking over to Joseph see gin him warm something up over the fire stirring once in a while.

"Baby food. It is a concoction of milk, egg yolk, bananas and bread all stewed together." The old Joestar hummed. "So you want to taste?" he smiled feeding Polnareff as his eyes widened in pleasant surprise.

"WOW! This is flat-out amazing! Give me more!" The silver haired man demanded excitedly shoveling another bite in his mouth as you lightly laughed. He really acted like a child himself.

"Easy now! There won't be any left for the baby!" Joseph laughed as the baby trembled in rage.

Incompetent bastard! He cursed in his mind. How dare you eat my food? I am wasting away over here! Hurry up and feed me, damn it! The baby looked into the other directin seeing a black scorpion crawling in his small basket. A scorpion! He realized in fear as he followed I with is yellow eyes. Blast it! As the scorpion went to attack him, he used his safety pin to stab it in one swift motion, killing I instantly as he sighed in relief wiping the sweat from his small forehead. That was a close one. Suddenly he noticed that the red head, Kakyoin saw him, his amethyst eyes wide in realization and his face morphed into one of horror. Crap baskets! Kakyoin was watching

He killed the scorpion. Y/N is right, the baby really is.....Kakyoin thought panicking as he looked to you seeing you talking with Jotaro cheerfully, teasing him and trying to take his hat.

Shit! The baby panicked.

"That is it! Mister Joestar, Polnareff did you see that?" Kakyoin shouted as you turned your head to the red head.

"Huh?" Joseph looked at the red head dumbfounded as you looked at the baby in horror.

"Huh?" Joseph looked at the red head dumbfounded as you looked at the baby in horror

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"That baby is not normal!" Kakyoin exclaimed as you stood up briskly. "He just killed a scorpion! He stabbed ti! The baby skewered it with his own safety pin!" He pointed at the baby as you reached him hugging him from behind.

"Kakyoin, what are you doing?" You whispered "didn't we agree to wait?"

"Y/N, please our lives are in danger and this is enough proof I need, look for it yourself!" He whisper shouted back grabbing your shoulders harshly as you looked at him unfazed but Jotaro suddenly yanked you away from the red head glaring at Kakyoin.

"Kakyoin, hold on! The hell are you talking about? Y/N?" Joseph asked not following

"I am saying that baby is not a baby! He is not even a year old, yet he knew what a scorpion is and he killed it with those tiny hands of his!" Kakyoin shouted agitated as Jotaro held you protectively against his chest.

"A scorpion?" Joseph inquired rushing over to the baby getting him out off the basked as Kakyoin searched for it frantically. "Where is it?" Joseph asked

"It is here! There should be an impaled scorpion in here!" The red head shouted looking around as a shadow cast over Joseph's face as you bit your lip trying to get out of Jotaro's iron grip forcefully.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя