...Not that I'm a loner...

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I've been attending U.A high for a while now. I barely made it in but I'm here. I'm in class 1-A and I guess I'm a friendly person. I'm not really friends with anyone here though. I mean don't get me wrong I can be a fun person it's just making friends is kinda difficult.
My quirk is kinda like Tsu's but different. I have the ability to control water and I can hold my breath longer than anyone.

My day started like everyday. In class with everyone else. Mr. Aizawa was sleeping while we quietly did our assignment with a few comments and chuckles.

Denki: Anyone know the answer to number 6?
Kirishima: I think it's C.
Iida: Guys stop talking. I will not tolerate cheating.
Denki: It's not cheating. It's just helping a friend out.
Y/N: True.
Denki: See.
Iida: I-

The day went by and later the bell rang. Aizawa woke up and dismissed us. We started walking out and before I could leave the school Kirishima stopped me.

Kirishima: Hey Y/N!
Y/N: Ya.

I turned to him.

Kirishima: You wanna hang out later? With Me, Denki, Mina, Jirou, and Bokugou?
Y/N: What are you guys gonna be doing?
Kirishima: Were just gonna be playing video games in Denki's dorm.

I thought about it for a second.

Y/N: Sure I'll come. I have no plans anyways.
Kirishima: Alright cool.
Y/N: Wait why are you inviting me.

I tilted my head.

Kirishima: Your always alone so Mina and I thought it would be fun if you came to hang out too. The more the merrier right.
Y/N: True. When is it?
Kirishima: tomorrow at 5 pm.

I nodded ok.

Kirishima: Bring some drinks or snacks, ok. Just like 1 bag of chips is fine.

I nodded ok.

Kirishima: Well we're going the same way. Can I walk with you?
Y/N: Sure.

We left the school and walked in silence for a little.

Y/N: By the way.
Kirishima: Huh.
Y/N: I know your real intention. Your using me to get free snacks huh.

I chuckled.

Kirishima: Noo of course not. If I was I would have told you to bring 2 bags of chips.

We both laughed.

Y/N: Well now I know. If you're ever trying to use me you'd ask for 2 things.
Kirishima: Damn, now I have to change it to 3 things.
Y/N: Wait what.

We had finally got to the dorms and we went our separate ways.

That was basically how I befriended Kirishima and joined the Bakusquad.

That day was exactly 2 months ago. Since then I've been friends with them.

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