§ Chapter Five §

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"Now, I think we both know why you're here, and I know you might be sick of this, telling it over and over, but you have to tell me your story, you have to get used to saying it out loud." You basically have to except your situation. Easier said then done, this place was supposed to help him, however it looked like it did more damage then help.

Trevor's guard was always up, because of Joey, and now Tyler too. Tyler however, did try to speak to him a couple of times but Trevor had enough of his bull, so eventually Tyler gave up.

Jam stares at Taylor, waiting for him to start. He takes a deep shaky breath and does the best he can;

"My.. My dad, he used to drink.. A lot. He'd abuse my mum, physically and verbally." Trevor pauses and drops his head, this was harder then he thought, till now he had to tell the story, now he just has to get comfortable with it, like its finally a part of who he is.

"What about you and your sister?" Jen says in a small voice, concern in her eyes. But it's all fake, she gave that look to everyone here, it's her job, it's not like she genuinely cared.

"Sometimes I got involved, as much as I don't get along with my mum, I still don't like seeing that. All the fighting. And mostly for Sheila, she shouldn't see that kinda.. Stuff."

"What happens when you get involved?"

"I get the shit beaten out of me."


"Stephen?" Trevor whispers into the dark room, "psst!"

"What?!" Stephen groans but keeps his voice down.

"I can't sleep.." It has been almost 2 weeks since Trevor arrived here and it was getting harder and harder to sleep at night.

"Okay okay." Stephen sighed and got out of his bed and joined Trevor so they can snuggle up.

"But if we get caught -"

"It's on me, I know I know." Trevor mumbled and rested his head on top of Stephen's, his messy hair tickling slightly.

They made this a usual routine, whenever one of them couldn't sleep they'd snuggle a little and move back to their own bed by sunrise so they don't get in trouble for touching each other so much.

"Hey Trevor.." Stephen mumbles after a while, waking up an almost sleeping Trevor.


"Is Joey hurting you?" He asks and moves his head slightly to look up at Trevor.

"No.." Trevor mumbles with his eyes closed, its too early for this. Or late. What time is it anyway?

"If he does, tell me, okay?"

"M'kay." Trevor mumbles but felt too unsettled to fall asleep now, Joey scared him, much more than he should.

Sometime after, maybe hours, Trevor shift so he can move his numb hand and he hears Stephen whisper, "hey, you up?"
"Uh... Yeah, did I wake you up?" Trevor says apologetic.
"Oh no, I woke up a few minutes ago."
"Oh." Is all Trevor said, not knowing what else he should add.
"In two days it would be two weeks since you've been here.." Stephen mumbles and Trevor shifts a little, "yeah. How long have you been here?"
"Me? Two mouths." He answers sadly.
"Don't you wish you could get out already?" Trevor asked amazed, he would've gone crazy if he had to be here to months, he survived two weeks.
"Oh, trust me, I do. But there's no where I could go, they're trying to figure something out for me but as you can see it's taking forever," He sighed.
"What's your story?" Trevor asks in a small voice and immediately adds, "you don't have to tell me though, I don't like that rule anyway."
"It's okay, I'm used to it by now. I was raped by my mum, since I was 7." He says without any emotions.
Trevor's heart stops for a moment and then he quickly tries to calm it down, at least I only got raped now, not since I was 7.
"What.. What about your dad?" Trevor finally asks, ignoring his small voice.
"He died, when I was 4, he went to the bank to get some money out to buy me a birthday gift and that's when a rubbery happened, one of the thieves was pointing a gun at a little kid who wouldn't stop crying and screamed at the mum that he'll shot the child if he doesn't shut up. So when the women didn't mange to calm her child my dad screamed and jumped on the thief to stop him, and got shot. By the time the ambulance came, it was too late."
"I'm sorry for your loss.." Trevor mumbles sadly, that was a sad yet cute in a sick way story. His dad sounded like an amazing person.
"It's okay, he died doing something nice." Stephen reassures him and pulls him closer, "its almost morning, but I don't want to move." Stephen's voice is muffled by Trevor's neck and indeed, outside the window you could see the sunrise.
"You should though." Trevor gently pushes Stephen off trying to get him out of bed.
Stephen groans but gets up slowly throwing himself into his own bed.
"Hey Stephen?"
"What's Joey's story?"
"Uh.. Nothing special, his mum was a drug addict and his dad abounded them both when he was pretty young. Why are you suddenly interested?"
"I'm not. Just asking shish."
Stephen shrugs and they both stay silent until Taylor knocked on the door, so it's her shift today, huh?
"Hey boys! Time to get up!" She goes over to the windows and opens them more.
"It's like 8AM, I'm not waking up unless there's like a zombie Apocalypse out there." Stephen argues and hides his head under his pillow, Taylor comes over and grabs it away, "its a rule Stephen, now wake up before I get you in trouble." She says somewhat joking but serious in the same time.
"Females." Stephen says slightly annoyed and comes over to Trevor's bed pulling the blanket away.
"Hey!" Trevor whines and pouts. "If I have to get up, so do you."
Taylor leaves the room to go wake up the others and Trevor gets out of bed, feeling terrified again, he didn't want to see Joey again. Last time Joey got a little further away then usually, and at this rate he might take Trevor's virginity if he just gets him alone for long enough.
"Hey are you okay?" Stephen asks as his pulling on his jeans, Trevor looked somewhat distracted, planning how to avoid being alone with Joey, which seemed like an almost impossible task, he just had the worst luck. His only chance was not to go the bathroom all day, or to his room when Stephen isn't there, which is most of the time.
"Uh, no I'm fine. Just tired that's all." Trevor nods and offers a smile, though it didn't look like Stephen believed him so much.
"Hey, how about you just spend the day with me?" Stephen asks, he felt like Joey was the reason Trevor was so restless, and hopefully if he kept them away from each other it will be better.
"Uh, sure I guess."
"Okay so get dressed already, I don't want to be the last one to make it to the kitchen."
Trevor blushes and quickly gets dressed very aware of Stephen staring at him.
Once they walk out Ronnie, Daniel and Juan are already in the kitchen laughing and talking.
"Hey Trevor boy! Tyler was here earlier, he wants to tell you something, he's watching TV." Juan says shows me his pierced tongue mocking Trevor, by now everybody knew he was gay, and they just loved to tease.
Trevor rolled his eyes, Juan was a pretty interesting guy, and all the piercings he had defiantly made him stand out.
Though Stephen didn't look like he thought so, he was more busy with what he just heard earlier, "what does Tyler want?" It seemed that the two had had a fight recently, a pretty ugly one. No one knew why.
"To talk to Trevor, duh." Ronnie says and gains a few glares, no one liked him that much because he seemed to always get in other people's business.
"Shut up emo kid." Juan raises an eyebrow. Everybody loved to mock Ronnie's haircut, which was just cruel because Daniel had a very similar one, but no one picked on him, since he was a funny guy.
"Move out of the way bitches," Joey comes in pushing his way through and Taylor following him, "watch your language Joey." She sighed.
Joey ignores her and makes himself some coffee, being totally ignored by then others who were fighting over the seats, well everybody but Trevor and Stephen, who seemed to be watching from aside, concentrating on Joey, he knew something was up.
"Trevor," Stephen whispered and tagged at his shirt,
"Mm?" Trevor gets away from the crowed and Joey and they walk to a more quiet place, in the kitchen's doorway.
"What does Tyler want from you?" He asks and runs his hand through his messy morning hair.
"Nothing, he's just been bugging me lately." He shrugs.
"With what?" Stephen insists.
"Look it really doesn't matter can you please just mind your ow-"
They both turn their heads, and there he is. Tyler decided to show up.

A/N: now that I finished writing " I Lose And I Gain " I will be updating this story more ^^ sorry for the wait, and I hope you like it.

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