§ Chapter Twelve §

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Trevor and Stephen were sitting on the side stairs that lead to the roof (which of course the door was locked) making out and touching each other.
They never really made it official that it's only a one time thing or an actual relationship, it was just.. There.
But today Trevor decided to take a step forward. When they were done with their make out session he finally asked.
"Stephen.. I was wondering.. Who was the kid your dad saved?" Is it really who I think it is, were you blaming yourself this whole time?
There was a small silence before he answered determined to tell him the truth.
"It was me. You knew it didn't you?"
"I did.. The guilt in your eyes gave you away."
"I'm not going to give you a bullshit talk on how it's not your fault, I know it's not enough to get you all better. But I'll tell you one thing: your dad wouldn't have been able to live with himself if let those asshats kill you."
"Shut up babycakes."
"It was one time!" Stephen laughs and playfully slaps Trevor.
Things look bright for a moment.
But moments end.

The Broken Kids (BoyxBoy) {Book 1}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ