They're nearing the shadows when her father is tackled, releasing her. Rosalie's red car pulls up on the street and Devyn doesn't think twice as she runs toward the car and gets in. Rosalie pulls off, through the park gates and off to the main road.

"Are you okay?" Rosalie asks her as she glances over.

"I'm fine," Devyn tells her, "Just a little shaken."

"Emmett and Alice are going to deal with your father. I'm gonna take you back to my house. I called Edward and told him to help Jasper out," Rosalie informs her, and Devyn can relax a little more knowing that her sister and mother were at least a little protected.

"Did you hear the conversation?" Devyn asks, trying to figure out what it was that alerted them to her being in danger. Perhaps it was her father's scent, they were used to tracking it.

"No," Rosalie answers, "Your heart was beating too fast, so I figured something had to be wrong."

"My heartbeat?" Devyn asks. Rosalie could hear her heartbeat? "You can hear my heartbeat?"

"I can hear anyone's heartbeat. Yours just happens to be one that I'm very in tune with."

Devyn isn't sure if it's the nerves, but she laughs at Rosalie's comment, "You do know how creepy that sounds, right?"

"You know most people would feel special to know that someone has memorized their heartbeat."

"You're right, I am being so ungrateful that my local vampire has my heartbeat memorized," Devyn retorts.

Rosalie rolls her eyes, pressing a little harder on the gas, "What did he say to you?"

"The Volturi want to turn me into a vampire," Devyn tells her, "My father, he knows what gifts manifest when a human becomes a vampire and for whatever reason, the Volturi want mine."

"That isn't for them to decide," Rosalie says, her knuckles gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"It might be," Devyn answers, "I get the feeling that even if my father stops, they won't."

"That feeling might be correct, but Devyn I promise you that I won't let them change you, not if that isn't what you truly want."

"It isn't," Devyn tells her, "I couldn't do it."

"I understand," Rosalie tells her, "Probably better than anyone."

Thanks to Rosalie's fast driving, they reach the Cullen home quickly. Devyn follows Rosalie inside, her nerves much less than it was the first time she had visited. Carlisle and Esme were on them the moment they set foot inside.

"Are the two of you okay?" Esme asks, wrapping Rosalie in a hug.

"We're fine," Rosalie answers, "Carlisle, you might want to take a look at Devyn's wrist."

"My wrist is fine," Devyn insists, but Carlisle does take the opportunity to look at it, his fingers gently touching her skin which was now turning a dark shade of purple, standing out against Devyn's caramel skin.

"This bruise is pretty bad," Carlisle tells her, "We should put some ice on it."

Devyn glances over at Rosalie who nods at her and Devyn nods at Carlisle, "Okay."

They head into the house and Carlisle hands her an ice pack to put on her wrist. She takes a seat on the couch of the Cullen's living room. Rosalie paces the living room, making Devyn wonder what had her so upset.

"Rose," Esme calls out gently, "You should take a seat."

With a huff, Rosalie heeds Esme's suggestion and falls onto the couch beside Devyn. She slouches in her seat, a stark difference from her usual perfect posture. Devyn was beginning to worry about the blonde beside her.

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