bullies 💜

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Cussing bullying insults

Promt: tommy is getting bullied and his family finds out and is not happy about it.

Phil: 29[?]

No ones POV

Tommy was walking to school. Phil was taking the twins to school and their school was super far away so tommy decided to walk to school.

Tommy stopped at the entrance of the school. He stretched his wings out a yawned. He had accidentally hit someone with his wings. He quickly retracted his wings and looked behind him

"Oh shit dude. Um I'm sorry!"

Tommy quickly apologized.

The boy behind him scoffed and brushed past him

"Whatever just watch where your going you winged freak" the boy continued to walking in the school leaving tommy confused.

'Damn. I didnt mean too. Whatever maybe that guy had a shitty day. Shitty day=shitty attitude.' Tommy thought to himself. He walked in side and stopped in front of his blue locker. He had the top locker. [Where I am there top and bottom lockers]

He put his code in and opened it up. A note fell out. Tommy bent over and picked it up.

'Winged freak'

He looked up front the paper and scanned the crowd of kids in the hall way. Who would put this here. Whatever. He put his bag away and went to class. Everything was fine until lunch came around.

Since it was a cool day most of the kids ate outside. Tommy being one of them. He was eating a sandwich. When he heard some giggling. He put his food down and turned around in his seat.
There that same kid was with some of his friends.

They were laughing. At him.
Tommy got up and walked over.

"Uh oh I think the little birdie is mad" one of his friends said.

"What are you laughing about? What's so funny?" Tommy said aggressively

"Oh nothing. I just think you should go back to the jungle where you belong" the boy said

Tommy just started at him before getting shoved to the ground. He fell on his back. He started to tear up a bit from the pain in his wings.

"What the fuck man?" Tommy yelled. He got up and before the bully could react Tommy shoved him to the ground.

Of course the teachers would look over that time.

The bully started fake crying and his friends played along.
Tommy looked at them dumbfounded

"MR INNT WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" The teacher yelled as he walked over to the group.

"You dont understand sir the-" tommy started

"Oh I understand completely. You pushed this poor boy." The teacher helped the kid up. "Go to the nurses office okay?" They teacher said. The bully and his friends walked away.

"You! You go to the principal's office!" The teacher yelled at tommy.

Tommy wiped his dried tears and walke to the office. The principal was frustrated. But let tommy off with a warning

Tommy went to the rest of his classes. Just like normal. Then he got home.
He opened the door. Before he could say anything phil yelled
"Whya re you hurting other classmates?" Of course he got a call from the school.
Oh great.

After getting scolded by phil he went to his room. Thus was gonna be long week.

He went to school the next day. Got insulted, fought back. Got scolded at home, went to bed, got up and did all over agian.

It was just self defense! Why is he getting in trouble?

It was Monday of the next week. He was getting off from school. The bullies hadn't bothered him all day. Are they finally done with this whole cycle? He was very wrong. He had walked out of the front doors before getting greeted by none other then the bullies.

"Hey bird brain" the main bully said. Tommy was confused. This is different.

The bully walked up and got in tommys face. "I wanted to teach you a lesson about today" that's right. That day tommy kind of snapped. And instead of shoving or pushing the bully he straight up punched him. Oh no. Tommy started backing away before getting grabbed and shoved around. It started by just some shoves. But then it got more psychical. They started punching, kicking etc. Tommy laid a few hits on them. They walked away. Leaving tommy of the ground. He had bruises everywhere. "Fuck" he said weakly under his breath.
He stood up shaking. His wings had some bruises too. He put his hood on and walked home. He ran to his room. Before anyone could say anything. He looked in the mirror that was hanging in ng on his door. He had a black eye with a couple other bruises here and there. 'Shit. That hurts like hell' he didnt want to tell phil in fear he would be mad so he kept silent.

A few days later. The kids met him at the same spot same time. Except this time tommy was done. He was over the bullshit that was going on. So when the bully swung his fist. Tommy dodged. And before the bully could swing another tommypunched him in the face. The bullys nose started bleeding. "The fuck!!" The bully exclaimed. The other two friends went in and started shoving and punching tommy but he was doing just as much damage as them. Tommy's lip was bleeding, he had a a worse black eye and more bruises. The main bully had two black eyes and a broken nose. The other two and bruises and their lips were bleeding as well as there noses.

"Listen up assholes cause I'm only saying this once" tommy said as he turned to face them
"Stay.the.fuck.away from me. If you come near me agian I'll make sure you will not be able to see with those eyes" he started. He flapped his wings a bit. "Try me agian and were gonna go for a fly okay?" Tomy said. He brushed the first off of his pant and walked home. He didnt even try to hid his bruises. He was proud of what he did.

"Hey tommy how was- OMG TOMMY ARE YOU OKAY?" Wilbur shouted. The random outburst caused phil and techno to run into the livingroom.

"Tommy?! What happend?" Techno questioned

"Heh. I gave those fuckers what they deserved" tommy replied.

Phil didnt care what he ment he just wanted to heal his son. He got an ice pack and told tommy to sit down. He gave tommy the ice pack and tommy started applying pressure to his bruises with it.

"What happened. Tell the real answer. Your cover in bruises and your wings are all messed up. I'm gonna have to brush them out agian."

Tommy then explained what had been happening for the past few weeks and phil felt terrible.

Techno got up from the couch and cheered loudly

"THATS MY LITTLE BROTHER!"" He yelled. He held his hand up and tommy high fives him with his extra hand. Wilbur fist bumbed him.

"Oh my god what am I gonna do with you boys" phil responded to the yelling


Was that good? Idk.

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