arguements 🖤🧡

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This was kind of spell checked

TW arguing and cursing
[ I don't know a lot about this so if I missed any lemme know]

Siblings fight. That's a true statement. they fight all the time but sometimes one can take it too far. That's what happened this time anyway. Tommy and Wilbur got into a fight about Tommy messing around in Wilbur's room and then eventually accidentally breaking his guitar. Wilbur had about 3 guitars so Tommy was kind of confused about why Wilbur was so mad.

"Why are you so angry?! You have multiple guitars! Just use one of those!!"


Techno and Phil were out on a walk and so that left the two younger brothers alone in the house. "well clearly if you had more than one, you could easily get more! Or even I don't know to USE THE OTHERS?" Tommy yelled back in return.

"I'm not even that mad about my guitar. I'm mad about the fact YOU WENT IN MY ROOM WITHOUT PERMISSION!" Tommy was getting more annoyed at this point "ITS A ROOM! IN OUR HOUSE I SHOULD BE ALBE TO GO IN IF I WANT! If you wanted people to stay out maybe put a sign outside or even I don't know lock the door?!" Wilbur was at his last straw..

"UGHHH OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO ANNOYING! I WISH PHILZA NEVER LET YOU IN OUR FAMILY!!"Wilbur's face dropped the second he said that. He opened his eyes to see a watery-eyed Tommy. "Wait Tommy-" he was cut off by the younger of the two runs past him. A few seconds later and he heard the SLAM of his younger brother's door.

"Wow" Wilbur heard from behind him. It was techno and Phil, be must not have heard them walk in from all the yelling. "Phil? Tech? When did you get much did you hear.." Wilbur muttered out. He himself was starting to get a little teary-eyed.

"enough" Phil said. He was frustrated. Why would Wilbur say such a thing? Phil and Wilbur began talking to Phil lecturing will. Techno slipped past them and went upstairs. He knocked on Tommy's door.

"C...Come in" he heard from the other side of the door. Techno slowly opened the door. He didn't see Tommy, just a lump under the blankets of tommys bed. "Toms?" Techno questioned. He heard Tommy reply with "y-yeah I'm here tech.." his breath was shaken up.

"Tommy, can you come out of your burrito please?" Techno chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. It worked when he heard a chuckle come from the covers. Followed by Tommy getting out of his covers.

Techno walked over and sat on Tommy's bed. "Look...I'm I'm 100% sure that Wilbur didn't mean that. You know he loves you [as a brother you sickos] and he didnt mean any harm." Techno said. Tommy nodded. Of course, he knew Wilbur didn't mean it but he still said it. Tommy sighed"I know tech..but it still hurt" technoblade nodded in return. Of course, those words hurt. Before either of them could say anything they heard a knock on the half-opened door. "Hey Tommy.." it was will.

"Hey, Wilbur.."Tommy said in return " if you came to say sorry I forgive you. Just don't be a bitch like that again ok?" Tommy said with a chuckle. Wilbur smiled and scratched the back of his neck" of course I won't Tommy"

Soooo that was fun. It was my first time writing so I'm open to constructive criticism. I hope you guys enjoyed it though.

637 words

SBI oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora