Chapter 2

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Skye POV
"Hey Peter Parker, you got something for me?" I say acting out the scene for Avengers endgame. "AND CUT." The directors yell. I smile at how fun that was and offer my hand to Tom Holland who was on the ground with the gauntlet. He smiles and lets me pull him up. "Wow your amazing." He says staring at me. I laugh. "Thanks man your not to bad yourself." I reply. Tom blushes and I smirk at him. "HEY TOM DONT GET TO ATTACHED UNLESS YOU HAVE BOOBS SHE ISNT INTERESTED IN YOU." Anthony Mackie yells from across the set. I chuckle a little and Tom just rolls his eyes hiding a smile.

"SKYE." I turn to see Scarlett running up to me with Lizzie not far behind. "Hey guys what's up?" I ask. "That was amazing, your a great actor." Lizzie says smiling at me. I blush and look at the floor. Scarlett looks at me curiously but doesn't say anything. "So Skye you wanna come to karaoke this evening with ScarJo and I?" Lizzie asks excitedly. I look up again and nod my head. "Yeh that sounds fun." I smirk. "Ok well after I do my scene we should head off." Lizzie replies jumping up and down a little excitedly. "Calm down Lizzie." Scarlett laughs and Lizzie stops jumping and smiles walking towards the set.

"Mm so Lizzie huh?" Scarlett asks raising her eyebrows at me. I stammer and blush looking down. "Um no what huh?" "Don't even deny it I saw the way you looked at her." Scarlett laughs nudging me with her shoulder. "Uhh fine just shut up will you." I laugh rolling my eyes at Scarlett. She just winks at me and I just set off laughing again. "Let's go watch Lizzie do her scene." Scarlett says pulling me towards set. "Uh ok." I reply biting my lip excitedly. "Oh and try not to drool every time you see her." Scarlett says winking at me. I just ignore her and try to hold back my grin.

"You took everything from me." Lizzie says angrily as the wires make her fly down in front of Josh Brolin who plays Thanos. "Wow she is a really good actor." I say to Scarlett in awe. "Well yeh have you not watched her other movies and tv shows." Scarlet laughs. I shake my head and chuckle. "Of course I have I just have never seen her in person acting." I reply playfully hitting Scarlett on the arm. "Righttt of course." Scarlett laughs. Suddenly Sebastian runs up behind me and lifts me up throwing me over his shoulder and running off. "SCARLETT HELP ME." I half yell half laugh. Scarlett just shakes her head and begins to walk towards me.

Seb puts me down laughing  and I look at him confused. "What was that for?" I ask laughing so hard my stomach hurt. My adrenaline was pumping and I felt alive as Scarlett catches up to us. "It's initiation... everyone does that to the newbie so get ready. Chris did it to Scarlett, I did it to Lizzie and I also did it to Anthony. So yeh be prepared." He laughs patting my back. "But you seem to get along with all of us anyway so I doubt people will do it to you as much as they did it to everyone else.Everyone else that joined the group took longer to get to know everyone " Seb says as he walks away back to his trailer.

I look at Scarlett my face twisted up into some confused shape. "Well you passed your first initiation pickup. God I didn't get along well with everyone at the start so I had that done to me a lot." Scarlett says laughing. I chuckle and my stomach feels full of joy as I realise how much I was loving this new job. "I can tell you and the rest of us will become best friends." Scarlett says hugging me. "Yep we will don't worry... especially after I smash you and Lizzie in karaoke tonight." I say hugging her back. "Well you and Lizzie might be a little more than friends." Scarlett says raising her eyebrows. "Shut up about that unless you want me to start calling you ScarJo." I threaten knowing she hates that name. Scarlett just rolls her eyes and shuts up as we head back to set to get Lizzie .

"Wow you were amazing Lizzie." I say to her as she walks off set towards us. "Oh shhh you were amazing as well." Lizzie replies blushing a little.We walk right next to each other in silence until Scarlett runs after us and begins to talk. "Right, now lets go do some karaoke." Scarlett says jumping in between us putting her arms around our neck. "Just letting you know in advance that Lizzie it literally a 5 year old baby at heart so try not to make her throw a tantrum." Scarlett whispers in my ear. I chuckle and Lizzie frowns gently hitting Scarlett. "Shut up I am not." She interrupts crossing her arms and frowning. "Exhibit A." Scarlett laughs pointing at the frowning Lizzie. I stifle my laugh as Lizzie pouts at me playfully. We all end up bursting into laughter as we hop into a car.

"Ok so tell me two things you like to do other than acting." I ask Scarlett and Lizzie as we drive to the karaoke place. "Hmm I love cooking and gardening. I do it all the time at home,I have a huge garden though I can't say it's all alive ."  Lizzie replies smiling. Scarlett chuckles. " I wouldn't eat her food though." Scarlett says teasingly. Lizzie just sighs and rolls her eyes. "And I like to hmm I don't know I like a lot of things I can't pick two." Scarlett replies. "What about you Skye what two things do you like?" Lizzie asks. "Uhhh I like to hangout with my friends and I love cooking as well." I answer. Lizzie smiles.

"Let's take a photo." Scarlett says pulling out her phone. "What is it with you and photos?" I ask laughing. Scarlett just rolls her eyes and pulls me and Lizzie towards her (we aren't driving btw) I smile and Lizzie does a silly kissy face as Scarlett snaps the photo. "Cute... do you have Instagram or anything?" Scarlett asks me. "Yeh I only have Instagram." I reply. "Well then I'm sending this to you and you can post it on your story. Are you verified?" She asks. I nod. "Wow...I did have Instagram but I deleted it." Lizzie says looking at the floor sadly. "I know... you where one of the first people I followed and it's a shame that people have no heart but you just have to ignore them." I say smiling as I pat Lizzies back. She smiles at me her frown turning back into a smile.We maintain eye contact for a while until Scarlett interrupts us

"We are here." Scarlett says looking out the window. "Yes." Lizzie says excitedly jumping up and down. "Let's just hope the paparazzi don't find us." I gulp as I look at all the people. Scarlett and Lizzie both nod as they open the door and we all walk into the karaoke booth.

~ok so I am trying to give the characters in this story the same like attributes they have in real life. Tell me if you think they have the same attributes or not please aha~

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