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He took a broken piece and ....

"JUNGKOOK!!!! NO!!!!"

Y/N went to him and caught his hand preventing him from cutting his wrist.

"Y/N, leave my hand!! I want to die!! Leave me!!", Jungkook shouted, fighting hard with her.

"Jungkook!! Killing yourself is not a solution!! Give me the broken piece!! Don't you dare do this!!"

Y/N successfully snatched the piece from his hand, but the glass pierced her palm and blood started coming out.

She threw the broken piece away and held her hand.

"Y/N!!!", Jungkook was shocked to see blood on her palm.

He carefully took her hand.

"Why did you stop me?!!", Jungkook asked Y/N as he wrapped a handkerchief around her palm.

Y/N didn't say anything.

After tying the ends of the handkerchief, Jungkook looked her.

"Why did you stop me?"

Y/N looked at him.

"Jackson is dead, and so is Unnie. Jeongsu and Jungin, they hate me! If you die, if you leave me, with whom will I live, with whom will I spent the rest of my life. Don't you care about me?!" She asked tears streaming down her cheeks.

Jungkook looked at her.
He touched her cheek. He looked at her as if she is the most beautiful person in the world.

How much I missed his touch!! How much I missed those eyes!!

And without warning, Jungkook smashed his lips onto hers.

Y/N was shocked at this. She tried to push him, but he held her tightly.

Then, something made her respond back to him and Y/N kissed him back.

The love that they couldn't express to each other for these 4 long years, it was the time they expressed it through the kiss.

They kissed each other while tears fell down their cheeks!!

All the pain they had hid behind their smile, they let it out through the tears!

When finally they pulled themselves, they looked at each other.

Then Jungkook smiled at Y/N.
He took out a box from the pocket and asked Y/N to open it.

Y/N looked at him with a questioning look and took the box.

On opening it, she found the ring which Jungkook had gifted her on their first date after their family revealed their promise.

"Where did you get this?! It was with me all the time!!", Y/N asked him.

"When you fainted, I carried you to the car. I saw it still on your finger. And, I understood, that beyond your cold attitude towards me, there is love. You still love me!"

Y/N looked at him.

Jungkook put the ring on her ring finger and said, "Let's be together forever. This time for real!
WILL YOU COME BACK, to have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us apart?"

Y/N nodded at him, her eyes teary, her face tear-stained, but her lips curved into the same sweet smile.

Then suddenly her smile disappeared.

"But-", Y/N started.

"But what?!"

"Will Jeongsu and Jungin accept?"

WILL YOU COME BACKWhere stories live. Discover now