22//coming back home//22

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"Y/n. Wake up."

Y/n groaned as she flicked her forehead. She opened her eyes and stared into hers.

"What... Where...?"

"Welcome to my hideout!" Ichi spread her arms outs.

Y/n frowned as she took in her surroundings. "Is this... a penthouse?"

"Yep!" Her mother grinned. "You'll be staying here with me."

"But I don't want-"

"Hush! It doesn't matter what you want. You are my daughter and I will not let you stay with that shitty father of yours!"

Y/n twitched. "My father is not shitty. You're the shitty one!"

"Excuse me?" Her mother sneered. She grabbed Y/n's collar and leaned into her face. "I'm the shitty one? He's the one who gave you that stupid useless Quirk of yours! What good is imagining shit, huh!? Your Dragon Quirk is the best Quirk that was ever discovered and I will not let it be disgraced by the likes of him!"

Y/n growled and slammed her head into her mother's face. Ichi grunted stumbling backward. Y/n burst through the ropes wrapped around her arms and stood up. She stared into her mother's eyes with pure fury. Y/n controlled her emotions as she let out a deep breath.

"Mom," Y/n stared at the ground. "I don't get it. Why... Why is this so important to you?"

Ichi froze. "What?"

"Why is my Quirk so important to you? What use do you have with it? It doesn't seem like you're gonna use it for any good so what else do you want from me? Do you want me to kill people? Do you want me to control everyone in the world with my voice? Do you want me to burn everything to the ground? Huh?"

Her mother stared at her with a blank expression on her face. Y/n gritted clenching her fists.

"TELL ME!" Y/n screamed with tears in her eyes. "Because I'm trying to understand why the hell you did this to me!? You trained me to death every day! You pushed me over my limits! You messed me up so bad that I couldn't be a normal girl, so tell me, Mother! What the hell do you want from me!?"

Her mother sat on the ground for a moment. She stood up brushing herself off and lifted her head.

"I... want you to be happy."

"What?" Y/n seethed. "Happy? What makes you think I'd be happy being here with you after you just kidnapped me!?"

"I just thought... I thought that after all this time you would've forgiven me," Ichi spoke lightly. "But you haven't forgiven me and you actually hate me... I see that now." She paused. "I see that you're not happy with me and that you're happier with your father."

Y/n glared at her as her wings twitched behind her.

"I'll let you go," Ichi responded.

She flinched. "What?"

"I said," Ichi glared at her. "I'll let you."



Aizawa turned toward his students who were all sitting in the commons. "Hey."

"How was the search?" Midoriya asked.

Aizawa's eyes darkened as he glanced at the floor. "Still couldn't find her." He sighed deeply. "It's like... she completely disappeared."

The students gave him a concerned look. Aizawa shook it off.

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