His lips pressed in a thin line as he caught sight of her soft smile, wondering if Mia was the reason. How he'd like to be the reason for her smiles, to be in her thoughts night and day, just like she was in his. He could still remember the way her (s/c) cheeks had blushed when he first greeted her in Jean's office,  how he had mistaken his feelings for artistic admiration... 

But yeah, just wishful thinking. The two females were obviously very happy together and he couldn't betray his friend like this... 

However in spite of this thought the male found himself walking over to the girl, a mysterious force pulling him in. A small gentle smile curved his lips as he observed her twirling around in the light dress. 

"Jean's right. You look beautiful." 

'Dress or not.'

But he didn't say those words aloud. He couldn't. 

A vivid pain cursed through his veins as she turned to him, a bright and angelic smile adorning her lips. 

"Thanks." Her voice sounded like music to his ears.

He had intended on departing right after these words but somehow his voice got the better of him as he found himself asking, "And what's with the daydreaming today ? Anything good happening in your life ?" 

A blush crept onto her cheeks, a bashful smile curving her lips as she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"Well... I met someone and... We're together now." She explained quietly, still unused to the words and the fact she had Mia as a girlfriend. 

The male gulped, trying to keep his raging heart from beating out of his chest and spilling onto the floor. 

"And... Who's the lucky guy ? Or girl." He questioned, like he didn't know the answer already.

Should she tell him ? (Y/n) hadn't yet told her family about this and swore to herself she'd let them know first... But Nathaniel was safe right ? They were friends. And considering the near zero chances of him ever meeting her family, him spilling the beans to Julia and Yuu before she could were inexistent. 

"It's a girl. Her name's Mia." She revealed, her eyes softening ever so slightly at the mention of her crush. She likes how her name tastes on her tongue, like sweet melted chocolate. 

"Let me guess. Wild green hair, talkative and fan of science ?" Nathaniel queried, trying to get the revelation from the girl herself. If she told her, maybe he'd finally realise that she couldn't be his and maybe he'd get over his feelings with more ease. He hoped so. 

The girl only stared at him with wide (e/c) eyes, mouth slightly open as if to formulate an answer which wouldn't cross her lips. The boy chuckled, sitting down on a chair and crossing his legs.

"That was a wide guess. Never expected it to be the truth." He sent her a kind smile, giving nothing away of his bitter feelings. 

"How do you know her ?" (Y/n) took a seat beside him, observing her friend and interrogating him with a tilt of the head. 

"We're childhood friends. She was there before Peter himself." He confessed in a chuckle, a hint of nostalgia creeping into his voice. Yeah Mia and him had been together for a while now. She saw everything, every one of his phases and accompanied him throughout the highs and lows, supported him through all his choices without ever once judging him. 

"Wow, I had no idea..." (Y/n) answered in a gentle voice, her (e/c) eyes shining in recognition. The world was a small place. "She didn't tell me about you... But then again we haven't talked about our friends or family much yet." She continued, hoping this wouldn't hurt her friend's feelings. 

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