Chapter 24: Planning

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A/N: Everyone knows what the Crawford plan is. I don't feel like writing it.

We were planning how to get to Crawford with the group downstairs. Kenny said the boat is sea worthy. But it needs a new battery and a new gas tank. We also need meds for Omid. I walk upstairs to see Clem.

Clementine: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Clem.

Clementine: Will Crawford be dangerous?

Y/N: I can't lie to you Clem, yes it will be dangerous.

Clementine: I don't want anyone else to die.

Y/N: Yeah same.

Clementine: Can I come too? Crawford is the only place that has people, which means that is where my mom and dad might be.

Y/N: Okay. You can come with us. But do as I say.

Clementine: Okay.

We all went outside as we were getting ready to leave. Vernon saw Clem.

Y/N: You ready?

Clementine: Yeah!

Vernon: Wait! You can't bring her. Remember what I said about children.

Y/N: Deal with it. They are coming.

Vernon: Fine.

Then Brie walked in.

Vernon: This is Brie. She can help us.

Brie: I know the way around there.

Y/N: Okay. Let's go.

We all left to go to Crawford.

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