Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Hell, Zach himself still faced judgments every time he walked down main street. There were still many who believed he had slaughtered his family and other that were afraid of him after seeing him in his various confrontations since coming back to town. And Samantha still faced judgments for being a woman with no past who had lived at the saloon and who had no last name—or none that she told anyone. And Tim was judged both for being Zach's friend and for being engaged to a whore, as some deemed Eleanor. Yes, judgmental pricks would spend their lives judging—they didn't know any different. If Eleanor could learn to ignore them and focus on the people that cared, then she'd be alright.

At least Judith Channing hadn't been a problem since the evening of the party. She hadn't been seen out at all actually. Zachary grinned as he laid a cigarette against his lips. She was probably waiting until all those bruises healed up.

"Hard to believe we both managed to find women willing to marry us, Zach. And even harder to believe we're leaving in the morning to go marry those women."

Zachary nodded. It hadn't been his intention to have his getaway with Samantha become a group activity but upon hearing that they wanted to get married away from Hackney, and knowing that Eleanor and Tim needed to move with a bit of haste with that baby in her belly, Samantha had insisted that they all go together.

And Zach wasn't angry. It seemed fitting that he have his brother by side and that he be by his brothers' side as they take this next step in their lives.

"I wish they could be there," Tim admitted, his green eyes focused on Kitty's mane. Zachary's own heart ached. He didn't have to ask who they were. "Your mama would have loved Sam."

"She would have loved Eleanor too," Zachary assured him. When Timothy frowned doubtfully, Zach shrugged. "She might have worried at first that you'd get hurt given Eleanor's past profession, but once she got to know the woman she would have loved her. Mama never was the judgmental kind, you know that."

"I know." He let out a sigh. "What time are we leaving out tomorrow?"

"Around ten. I'll have the wagon ready and in town. Samantha and I have to go see Joseph Anders about ordering furniture and I'll ask him about your house. Make sure those supplies are still due in next week so they can start getting it built."

"It'll take until evening to make it all the way to Anberina." Timothy noted. "It would be quicker if we took the train and just rented a wagon to bring back anything we need to haul."

Zachary shook his head, took a long draw off his cigarette and replied on his exhale. "I don't do trains."


"Too many people. Too enclosed. And I've seen a few get robbed. I'm not too eager to be on one if that happens."

Timothy's laughter rang out in the late afternoon air. "Alright then, Zach. Fair enough."

The rest of the ride to town went about how most rides with Timothy went. He talked—a lot—while Zachary simply grunted, nodded, and spoke a word here and there. Once they were riding down Main Street, Zachary's eyes were drawn toward the doc's office where Eleanor and Samantha both stood together with Creed secured to a leash in Samantha's hand. That pup had been after Sam's heels since she'd found it and Zachary loved seeing the happiness it brought her.

The women hadn't noticed their approach and Zach simply took a moment to admire the beauty that was Samantha. Her hair shimmered in the early evening sunlight. Her freckled face was bright and those green eyes shining, as she smiled and laughed at something Eleanor said.

"Damn Zach..... We are the luckiest men alive."

Zachary simply nodded his agreement, hopped off Blaze, and led the horse by foot toward the doc's. The moment Samantha noticed him she lit up brighter than a lightning strike and headed his way. Zachary couldn't reach her fast enough and it was completely without shame that he jogged the last few steps and wrapped that woman tight in his arms.

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