I pucker my lips and press them against hers, so she knows I feel the same. I roll on top of her and keep kissing her whilst running my hands through her hair. She pulls away and presses a small, lovely kiss to my neck, making my skin go red from blushing, as opposed to just the cold.

"I wanna go home and cuddle." I say, nuzzling my head into her neck. She stands up with my legs wrapped around her waist and my arms around her neck. She gives me one more peck before putting me down and grabbing our bags.

I wrap my hand around her waist, and we walk -what I discover is a very short distance- to her house. She gets the keys out of her bag opens the door to the garage, as I realise that must be where the back entrance is. "I don't like the front door." "Fair enough." I run straight into the house once she's unlocked the back door, and am greeted with a husky jumping on me, making me lose my shoe, and my balance.

Katie catches me with a laugh and I cling onto her for dear life. "I see you've met Lex. I wonder where Bruiser is?" As she says that I feel something warm, soft and wet on my toes. I pull my foot away from the ground and look down only to see a black baby pug on its back, rolling slightly, trying to lick my foot again. I let out a small aww as I slowly lower my foot back down to the floor. It excitedly jumps up and starts to claw at it and nibble my toes.

I let go of Katie and crouch down to the puppy, picking it up. "Hi bruiser!" It licks my nose. I hold it like a baby and it moves a little before getting comfortable and nuzzling into me.

Katie wraps her arms around my waist from the back, and starts to waddle us towards what I assume is her room. I giggle and put the puppy down when we get there. She flops onto her bed and I sit on the floor "what are you doing?" She asks me.
"I'm sitting on the floor."
"I need to be alone for a second."
"I'll go make you a drink then." She gets up, careful not to touch me, then leaves. I'm in shock.
That's it? She's just letting me do it?
I smile to myself and get into her bed, taking my jumper off and getting comfortable under the blankets. I can hear a teapot whistling and Katie softly singing under her breath. Before I know it I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I soon fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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