Chapter 3

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Pins and needles took over when he was woken up to the landing impact, if anything, he liked the pain, he just didn't have the energy to stand up. Your body is meant to feel refreshed and ready for anything after an eight hour nap but no. Not Harrys little body. He had aches and pains, soreness in his lower back and neck, practically turning into an old man at the ripe old age of 19. Limping down the isle, he thanked the cabin crew and apologised for the smell of his stomach acid and then, quite ungracefully, he made his way down the steps. The hot air of California greeted him as he took his first step out into fresh air, taking it all in to rid his insides of the smell, and taste, of puke. A bus was waiting at the bottom of the metal steps to get him safely into the airport building to collect his luggage, because for some reason they'd insisted that he put it in the compartment under the plane(probably so some poor sod could finally get paid.) 

Waiting for your bag to come round the baggage carousel is like gay sex: you think it's over but it just keeps going. Harry could back that statement up. It was cool in the airport, the air conditioner was on and soft music was playing in the background, not that it mattered because, somehow, fans found out about Harry being in California and were screaming before he even stepped foot inside. The music playing seemed fairly recognisable until he realised it was, just as he dreaded it to be, 'What makes you beautiful,' his stomach flipped as he listened to his 16 year old self singing, remembering the music video, the awkward reading of the lyrics and also remembering that it was the song that made him fall in love. What a coincidence, he thought to himself as he was getting pushed in the back by a wide man to hurry him up so they could get the bag and leave. 

Did he speed up his walk just to leave quickly? No, no he did not. Instead he opted for the 'walk like it's a fashion show' style and fucking strutted down the hallway with his lips slightly parted, head held high(only to show off his jawline) and eyes fixed on the doors ahead not even glancing at the fans, he realised that it was a bad idea but he was too hot to get cancelled for it so he kept going. 

He didn't even think about texting the boys to tell them he'd landed, doubting that they'd care anyway, he just stared blankly at his phone waiting for at least one check-up message to come through, none did. It was probably the Wi-Fi, or the fact that he'd been out of service range for the past 12 hours, that caused the delay in any messages reaching his phone, but Harry's immediate thought was that his family and friends had forgotten about him and moved on with their lives in that time. It was stupid. He knew it was stupid. That didn't stop his overthinking though and it didn't stop his decision to ignore any other idea that wasn't that his friends hated him. 

Making his way through the security checks, he knew he was getting closer to being shouted at. Closer to being told off for something he didn't mean to do. "Sir, we need you to step over 'ere," came a stern voice from the right of him. Her accent was thick and her tan was very orange, fake tan most likely then, she had piercing eyes and gave him a look that said 'just fucking comply to that so I can go home.' To her luck, he moved over to a man so he could be scanned before turning around again and walking through the machine, the beeping didn't go off and he was able to walk past, giving the woman at the desk a friendly smile.


Back at the hotel, the boys had been waiting for a message to tell them that Harry had landed safely, the news was playing in the background and the windows were closed so that they couldn't hear the thousands of fans screaming their names every second. Every time one of them had to leave, the boys left behind would sit and wait until the person who flew out messaged to say that they were okay. Harry had clearly forgotten that though and was now the other side of the planet worrying that no one liked him. 

"It's getting pretty late boys, if he died, we'd have heard about it by now," Liam said, pretty sure of that fact, mostly keeping a steady tone to comfort the others. Louis was checking his phone every few seconds, Zayn and Niall were making their way through another pizza and Liam was keeping his focus on the TV as the headlines were being read out. 

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