Chapter 4

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Alone in the hotel room, Louis had sprawled himself over the bed, making the most of Harrys disappearance, head back and wanking. If Harry wasn't going to take up his advice then he'd use it himself, so there he was, for the first time in four months, watching porn and wanking. Little bit depressing to be honest but, without Harry there, he had no other choice. At least he could actually decide the speed and rhythm without needing to tell someone what to do or what he liked. If anything, he'd missed this time; yes he loved Harrys hand and blowjobs, his willingness to try anything and his submissive personality, but sometimes doing this yourself is just easier. Niall certainly knew that anyway. 

Grasping the tip, he slowly stroked in a downward motion letting a few moans escape his mouth, this was nice, he'd probably talk to Harry about it on their next phone call. Picking up the pace and tightening his grip he stroked faster, moaning louder each time and wishing that his husband was there to help. Poor Niall was in the next room listening to this as Louis didn't seem to realise how loud he was being. "Ahh fuck!" was pretty much the only words coming from Louis' mouth, he was enjoying it too much, his arm was aching but he couldn't stop now, not when he was this close to finishing. Keeping hold of his dick, Louis thrusted upwards imagining it was Harry arse getting fucked senseless, unable to think straight, just the thought of Harry moaning and begging for him was enough to finish with, come spreading over his hand and stomach, making him uncontrollably shake and moan, his eyes rolled back as he breathed deeply into his other hand, mhm, he'd missed this time.


He was overthinking. He was overthinking. He was overthinking. Simons black car reflected the suns rays, the brakes were silent and the ride looked smooth. He was here. Harrys pulse rose, he couldn't think clearly and the kitchen was spinning. Nothing around him helped him focus, everything was in a pristine colour pattern and it was making him feel sick, he couldn't help it, Simon scared the shit out of him and meeting that man alone was only ever in his nightmares. The door slammed shut and the sound of footsteps were heard out of the open window, he looked bloody ridiculous; his grey hair was thinning, he had shaded sunglasses on, his jeans were way too tight and his shirt had a button undone, a swarm of chest hair was on show to the world through that unbuttoned area. Harry really did feel sick now. 

Before Simon had chance to knock, the door swung open to reveal a very sweaty young man. Yet again, he was wiping his hands on his shorts and his mouth was dry. Out of habit, he went to offer the man a handshake but wasn't surprised when it was quickly declined, instead, he opened the door wider and stretched his arm out in a welcoming manner. Simon stepped in, clearly impressed at how clean the house still was but didn't say anything; in fact, no words were said during the greetings, no 'hello' or 'how was your flight' it was informally formal and I think that's what scared Harry the most. The fact that neither of them needed to say anything to be understood, it was like they were old friends but in a very twisted and fucked up kind of way. 

No time was wasted, Simon led the way down the corridor to a conference room, trust Simon to have a conference room in a bungalow. The room wasn't massive, it had a wide window looking out into the garden and blue carpet you might find in a school, the walls were painted white and one, lone calendar from 2009 was on the left wall, a clock was ticking incredibly loudly from the right wall and a small desk was gathering dust in the corner.  Harry, still shaking and sweating, cautiously stepped in and waited from Simon to sit first, what a gentleman, and then stumbled to sit down, he realised that he'd been tense the whole time and it was aching but he couldn't relax and started to fidget in the office chair. He was given a weird look by the man over the table and it only made him move around more, he couldn't take the rhythmic ticking anymore and stuttered, "alright, what do you want?" It was a lot more secure than he'd expected when he first opened his mouth, the sound of his voice echoing slightly in the room, despite its size. Simon looked him straight in the eyes, leaned forward slightly and took a sip of water.

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