Perseverance and Acceptance: "Brother"

Start from the beginning

As Gration entered the clearing, I saw him clearly for the first time. Contrary to popular beliefs he was quite handsome. Not in a regal way, but in a rugged way. His face was like a war general mixed with a prince. But his eyes gave away everything. His eyes were the embodiment of the evil force running within him. It was filled with coldness, ruthlessness, and lust. As his eyes fell on me, he let loose a cold, humorless laugh.

"Mortal boy! You dare challenge me. You thought you can defeat me and defend the hunters. Get back to reality. You will not even be accepted there. Why fight for them? Join me. I will give you everything" Gration said in a cold voice. I contemplated what he said for a moment but then cursed myself for even thinking such. So in response, I raised my swords in an X formation, channeling whatever energy I had left into them as they started glowing.

"Haha kid, get ready to die" declared Gration before charging with blinding speed. I just had enough time to raise my swords to block off the attack. My swords connected with his hunting knives, sending sparks flying. Gration punched me so hard blood spurted out of my mouth. As he continued to beat the crap out of me, I was pushed solely on defense and that too wasn't working well as I was bleeding all over. That is when I resorted to my last move. When my mother taught me this, she told me it was very dangerous. Apparently, due to me activating the blessings, my aura can become as powerful as a god's true form should I choose to do so. Since I was a demigod, it took a lot of power and it had a recharge time of around 2 weeks. It was so demanding, that I would not be able to control even water after using it. But it was also very powerful, powerful enough to disintegrate almost anything except an immortal in their true form in a 50 feet radius.

As I blocked another attack, I started concentrating and building my aura. I started to search for power reserves within my body. At one point I found a wall seemingly trying to veil more energy. I concentrated some more and it broke as I felt raw power surging through me. I knew now why it was dangerous. The power was my soul, if I used it again, I would no doubt die. I pushed away that thought and focused on Gration. He slashed diagonally and I blocked it with my sword. I focused on my sword and raw power surged through it. The power was so great that it shattered Gration's knives as well as my swords. The pieces of his own knives hit Gration in his face as he backed off, Ichor dripping freely.

With a final scream, I let my aura out, a swirl of my elements- water, electricity, and moonlight, as I glowed green, blue, and silver. The blast from my aura burned Gration to the point he resembled dinner roast. The Earth reached up as Gration returned to his domain to recover. As I tried to move I found that a shard from my sword had penetrated my thigh causing immeasurable pain. I had absolutely no power left, so as soon as the aura died down, I slid down the rock I was leaning on and passed out.

Much later, I woke to a pair of silver eyes and a pair of onyx eyes looking at me with concern. I tried to get up as my muscles screamed in protest. Turns out I punctured my lung so as I coughed, blood leaked from my mouth. With sheer willpower, I managed to stand and bow and explain what happened. I was in so much pain that I couldn't even look straight. As I finished explaining, my legs finally gave away and I fell forward, expecting to hit the ground but was caught by Lady Artemis. The last thing I remembered was she telling me to rest as I passed out in her arms.


I was thinking about my sister again as tears spilled unintentionally. I was jolted back to reality when I felt a presence from the fire. I wiped away my tears as I looked up to see Lady Hestia smiling sympathetically. I at once stood up and bowed.

"No need to bow young man. And that bow looks good" she chuckled.

"But Milady, what have I done to receive your presence? I am no one that important." I asked.

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