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After filling out some paperwork at the station and watching the cop be interrogated I started thinking of what to do next. I could try to find a job to get money for an apartment but I would be homeless for the time being. 

"Hey (Y/n), wait up!" I turned around to see the young albino. Behind him was the brunette and the black haired man. "Would you want to walk with us?" 

My throat seemed to be better so I replied, "Sure, where are you guys heading to though?"

"Were heading back to the agency."


"Oh right, we work for the armed detective agency also know as the ADA."


"What's your job?"

"Uh- well you see..." I was thinking of an answer that would make since because I technically do not have a job but I do at the same time in my world. "I used to work as an assistant teacher at a junior high but after an incident the school shut down and I lost my job." I praised myself for making up a seemingly believable answer that is only really a half-lie.

"Oh" The albino felt a bit guilty for asking but tried his best to not show it. 

We were currently walking down the side of the street while Ranpo was a few feet in front of Dazai, Atsushi, and me. 

"What Ranpo did back there is amazing." Atsushi spoke up, "I had no idea that he would figure everything out. His ultra-deduction ability is truly incredible!" I frowned slightly at the mention of ability not knowing what they were talking about.

"Yes but I might have figured out half of it too I believe Ms. Korogane might also have as well." Dazai said and I hummed in agreement as we continued walking.

"Half of what?"

"The case we were just working on, I'm pretty sure I know how Ranpo figured it out."

"Well maybe but he said his ability let's him solve the case instantly." I got thrown off again at the word ability. It sounds like something that is common sense to them yet it seems so foreign to me.

"Oh right I forgot, you don't know about him yet. See the truth is Ranpo isn't gifted with special powers"


"While were on the topic of abilities do you have some kind of speed ability Y/n?

I looked over at the brunette. From what I had gathered an ability seemed like a type of power. I decided to not look suspicious because if I did not say yes they would probably question how I was that fast. 

"Oh, yes I do."

"Interesting, you said you are currently unemployed correct?"

"Your correct."

"Then would you like to join the ADA? It's purpose is to handle things the government can not. The members consist of mostly ability users. I will say however it's a bit dangerous and you could be killed."

I took this into consideration. If I said yes then I would kind of be doing my old job just with more action. I also probably could not die if I were to be attacked unless there was a water ability. If I said no then I would still be looking for a job.

"Sure, why not." 

The brunette gave a satisfied smile. Suddenly he stopped in front of me and got down on his knees. "Would you be willing to do a double suicide with me?" I sweat-dropped at this but quickly changed my expression.

"How about we do a double living together? It's where we don't die and don't attempt suicide." He pouted like a child and I started to question my life choices.

"Sorry about him, he does this a lot." Atsushi said nervously. "Dazai if you don't stop your going to be strangled by Kunikida."


I spaced out and started thinking of everyone back in my world. Hopefully they were doing ok. I didn't really want them worrying to much about me. A few minutes later I was poked and went out of my trance.

The albino apologized "Sorry about that you were spaced out and were here at the agency."

"It's perfectly fine!" 

"Dazai and Ranpo already went inside so come on."

"O-" Dazai came out of the building with a worried expression on his face.

"There's a suicide bomber in the agency and they are holding a hostage."

Atsushi's face turned serious and dragged me along as they ran inside. We ran up a flight of stairs to the second floor. We went to a room to see a boy who seemed to be my age holding a detonator in one hand while keeping the other below him place firmly on a girl's head who seemed to be the hostage. Besides him there was a bomb. We ran and hid behind a planter.

"What should we do?" Atsushi asked.

"They said they wanted to see the president."

"Then lets give him the president!" I mentally facepalmed myself at his stupidity. 

"Ok Atsushi, rule one of hostage situations if the captor wants an important person then you should not give them to the captor."

"Y/n is right, it also seems as if they did their research before coming here. Meaning they know all about the agency members and their abilities."

"I'll do it then"

"You sure Y/n?"

"100 percent." I quickly got up and took the remote detonator out of his hands. I then untied the rope that was holding the hostage and wrapped it around the bomber. I threw him to the ground and destroyed the detonator. It took about a minute in my view but for everybody around me it looked like it happened in a blink of an eye. I took the tape off the hostages mouth and helped her up.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah thank you!"

Dazai and Atsushi came out of their spots. 

"Well done Y/n this was the enterance exam for the ADA. It is up to the president if you passed though." Dazai said. Then a man with a white beard walked in.

"Nice to meet you Y/n I'm the president. After watching this and having Ranpo explain what had happened earlier I would like to congratulate you on joining the ADA."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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