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All the world witnessed the moon being destroyed on March 13th, how could they not? 70% of something that was usually visible at night and sometimes the day was gone.  It was all over the news and yet somehow almost nobody noticed a building exploding a few hours after. The key word was almost. A brunette teenager was walking to this lab when the explosion happened. She had been going there to see her sister. When the explosion happened she got pushed back due to the force. However, it did not stop here from entering the destroyed building to see if her sister was alright. What she saw though was a weird yellow creature holding both her sister and something small. The creature had put her sister down and it's tentacles were covered in blood. The brunette watched as the creature flew away into the sky still holding the small thing. She squinted and saw an infant in it's arms. 

The truth was that on this eventful day when the moon was destroyed a child was born in the same place of where the creation of this destruction was. The name of the child was Y/n Korogane. Her mother had died in the explosion and her father took her to a trusted friend while he set off to fill Yukimara's dying wish. He got the teaching job at Kunugigaoka Junior High and began his teaching adventures for his last year on earth.

5 years had passed and the friend of Korogane began to search for Y/n's aunt. It didn't take long to locate her due to her career as an actor. He introduced her to Y/n and asked if she would be interested in taking her in. Kayano wanted to with all her heart but due to her busy life she would not have been able to do it. She recommended a close friend of her's named Nagisa Shiota to fill the role. When asked he was more than happy to take in Y/n.

Y/n grew up with him and was introduced to all of Nagisa's friends. They taught her most of what she knows and they were basically her aunts and uncles. During the years Y/n learned about the art of acting from her blood related aunt. She was also studied a lot of science and detective related things after gaining an interest in them. Her uncle Karma would sometimes help her practice agility and they would race each other on an obstacle course. She finished school at the age of 12 and got a license for detective work at the age of 14. She would help her father teach his class once or twice a week as well. 

Our story begins when Y/n is 18 years old.

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