Eraserhead is about to kick some ass

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While Izuku wasn't having fun with Bakugo, four friends were waiting to have fun with him. They all were seated on the long couch in Kirishima's apartment, wondering where their friend was. It was morning movie time! Where was he? He usually comes and says that he 'has never better to do,' but they haven't seen him in a while.

"Where is ol' Baka-go nowadays?" Kaminari asked, taking a handful of popcorn from the table in front of the couch. He liked that it was leather, it was cool to the touch.

"I don't really know," Sero started off while trying to focus on the screen playing a cartoon show made for kids, "The last thing I heard from him was about how he was going to see an old friend and change their mind about something."

"Bor-ing!" Mina exclaimed, her expression looked very untrusting of the reason said, "How is he going to do that?"

"Why do you say that?" Kirishima asked his friend, still trying to choose tonight's action movie between the two DVDs in his hands. His spiky red hair pulled back into a bandana.

Mina rolled her eyes, trying to jog the memory of her friends in how exactly Bakugo acts, "Oh please. Are you going to tell me that Bakugo can actually hold up a conversation on his end just enough to convince someone in a non-threatening way?"

The other three stared at each other before realizing with a nod. Sero spoke up with a sigh, "You're right. He has no clue."

"Yeah, we should probably go find him and help him." Kirishima offered.

"..I was thinking more of embarrassing him, but that works too," Kaminari said while trying to take the large popcorn bowl with him.


"I can't believe you took the popcorn bowl!" Mina whisper yelled to Kaminari while they all sneakily walked over to where Bakugo would be.

"I was hungry!" Kaminari responded between licking his fingers from the buttery goodness.

The bakusquad squat behind some bushes a good distance away from the store that Bakugo's old friend apparently worked at.

"So, what's the plan?" Sero asked, hiding behind a tree to spy on the shop.

"I have no idea," Kaminari added, trying to eat popcorn quietly. It didn't work out since they could still hear the loud crunching of the popped kernels.

"I think we should just wait for Bakugo to show up and see how well he does with his smooth-talking," Mina said, bending down to hide her horns behind the bush. The tips of her horns were barely noticeable behind the greenery.

"Yeah, maybe he isn't as bad as we thought. Maybe he doesn't need our help," Kirishima commented, earning doubtful looks from his other three friends.

They watched the coffee shop as their friend approached an irritated looking green-haired man that doesn't look to be in the mood for whatever the blonde had planned.

"Ooh, this is going to be bad. I can already tell," Mina whispered, getting ready to watch some shit go down. "Kaminari, hand me some popcorn."

Bakugo started to say something, but they could only catch words like 'hero' and 'you'. Whatever he was saying was really getting on the barista's nerves.

"I think I know him from somewhere," Kaminari whispered amongst the multiple popped kernels in his mouth. Mina turned her head while she kept chewing on the popcorn she stole from Kaminari's bowl.

"Me too. But I don't know where." Kirishima mumbled to himself.

The green-haired guy berated Bakugo in an angry voice before stomping off with a middle finger aimed at their friend. Bakugo stood there before grunting and turning around back down the street. He looked like he was pissed off as his legs stomped on the cement.

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