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"Silas come on, stop playing, where are you taking me?"

The only thing you could hear as he led you to the surprise was leaves crunching beneath your feet, an owl hooting, and the breeze making the leaves on the trees dance. You assume you were in the woods or on a hiking trail of some sort. The breeze felt cool against your skin and left a trail of goosebumps in its wake. The two of you walked for what seemed like forever in silence, besides the sound of leaves being crushed beneath your feet. He stopped abruptly, causing you to stumble forward a bit.

"We're here darling," he said as he removes your blindfold.

Your eyes widen as you adjust to the darkness and take in your surroundings. An old, abandoned, run-down, yet sturdy-looking church was in front of you. From the outside, you could see candles lit which made the entire church glow and come to life. You wondered where you were? This place seems so creepy but in a beautiful way.

"Right this way darling, I hope you like the surprise. I've been planning this ever since our first date. I even lit your favorite candles, (f/candle) right?"

"Y-Yes that's right. Thank you, that's so sweet, but why here of all places? Don't you think it's well.... kind of creepy?"

You play with the bottom of your shirt. To be honest you were nervous and scared shitless out here. But you had Silas with you, so you felt safe.

"Don't be nervous, come on let's go inside."

He grabs your hand and starts walking toward the church. You follow him while trying not to stumble over anything.

While entering the church, you feel this eerie cold breeze embrace your entire body.

Somebody call Ghostbusters or some shit this place is probably haunted.

Despite the eerie feeling, the church had a beautiful glow to it. Plus it smelled wonderful. You felt calmer, but still a little nervous.

He leads you to the center of the church and pulls you into his arms. He looks at you the same way he did on your first date.


You smile even though this whole situation was weirdly romantic and creepy. He leans down and kisses your forehead softly, his lips then trailing down to your cheek.

"From the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew you were the one. I knew I would make you mine, devour your mind, body, and soul. You gave me your heart so willingly, almost too easily. It was easier than I thought. You're just so weak, so desperate to be loved by anyone that you're willing to do anything."

You flinch.

What- What the fuck. What did he just say.... what is he talking about? This just went from being romantic to him being an asshole.

You try backing away from him, but his grip is tight.

"I wasn't finished speaking Y/N."

He smiles and it wasn't the same smile you'd grown accustomed to, the one you had grown to love. It was sadistic and unkind. He looks different. This wasn't Silas, this wasn't your Silas.

"As I was saying... Oh come on now, don't start shaking darling. I knew from the moment you willingly submitted to me that I would make you mine, make you my immortal darling. I would turn you and have you stay by my side for eternity. Now I promise you this will only hurt for a moment."

His eyes begin to glow green as he flashes his fangs at you. You froze.

Okay, what- he's a vampire or some shit? NO. I need to run now. WHY WON'T MY BODY MOVE? LEGS WORK NOW, LET'S GOOO!

You try to move, try to run for your life, try to get the hell out of this place, and away from Silas or whatever the hell he is. But you remain frozen in time, utterly doomed. Might as well sign your will now.

He pulls you closer, into a death-like grip. You thrash and scream. You try kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. His lips brush across your right wrist slowly, painfully slow. He sinks his teeth into your soft skin and it hurts like hell. You scream until your lungs can't take it anymore. You fall limp in his arms. You were weak just like he said. You had submitted to him yet again without putting up a better fight.

You weren't sure how long you were passed out, but you woke to see Silas hovering over you. You were in his arms again. His eyes still glowing bright green. His once forest-green eyes now look at you like you were a meal waiting to be devoured. I mean hell, you just were his meal.... literally.

He brushes a loose strand of hair away from your face and sighs.

"You know, you really are beautiful."

Yeah, now's not the time for compliments, asshole.

He brings his hands up to his blood-stained lips and sinks his teeth into his wrist. Blood leaks down the side of his wrist as he brings it toward your lips. You squirm away from him.

"Come on now darling, don't decide to put up a fight now. Just drink and this will be over soon."

You elbow him in his side with whatever strength you have left and get up. You feel dizzy and foggy, but you have to get out of there. You have to get away from him. Ain't no way in hell you're going to drink his blood. You're not going to become a monster like him. Hell no. The room is spinning, but you take off running.

Wait, wasn't the door that way? Where did it go?

Silas was angry now. He groans and growls as he stares you down.


You look back to see a blur of glowing green eyes lunge toward you. You panic and grab the first thing you could and hit him with it. You hear him hit the floor with a 'thump'. The last sound that escapes his lips was a weak groan. You look down at your hand and see that you've hit him with a solid and faded gold-colored crucifix.

Ha, seriously what is this thing made of? This is so freaking heavy!

You pass out again and wake up covered in more blood. You feel like you got hit by a train.

I don't feel so good.... but I need to get out of here.

So you ran and left Silas behind. You ran away from that place and haven't returned since. You don't know where you're going or what's happening to you.

But what you do know is that when you find Silas again, he will pay for what he's done to you.

Hesitation (Eyeless Jack x F.Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang