𝐓𝐰𝐨; 𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡

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Chapter 2 

I Could Only Wish 

"My story had blood that covers the words, so no one has ever bothered to read it. But if they did, they would see a story about a girl who's life was perfect, until it wasn't."

"Why can't you just tell me the truth Katherine?!" came the annoyance of Pansy, her generally coal-like hair covering her annoyed yet grimace face as she yelled across the room. -- "Why can't you move on Pansy?" Katherine remonstrated, her eyes widened in a provoked manner.

"Because I can't! Don't you get it?" Pansy argued one last time before Katherine had stormed out of the room. Katherine looked contemplated as she stared at Pansy. She let out a huff as she rummaged for her crumpled book bag, Pansy eyeing Katherine as she did. As Katherine left, a blaring slam left the door. In an incensed state of mind Katherine was willing to blow off some steam for the past-time. A way to occupy her mind from all the trouble she had gone through with Pansy. - Katherine was still oblivious as to why Pansy was so enraged all of a sudden. As though it didn't cross her mind what happened that night at the Yule Ball.

As Katherine stormed down the stairs frustrated and overwhelmed, when she had made it down the stairs she was appalled by Daphne. Daphne was marveled at the aristocracy that Katherine had pulsed, sensing that something had gone wrong.

"Kath-" Daphne muttered before she was cut off by Katherine.

"Daph, I need you to tell me what's going on with Pansy." Katherine nagged. To her disappointment Daphne was silent. Trying to form the words she would say next.

Katherine took Daphne's arm, pulling her up. The two girls walked parallel of each other. - Daphne let out a sigh as she spoke, "She's mad at you because of what happened that night last year."

Still oblivious, Katherine was still determined to know why.

"What do you mean?" Katherine muttered.

Daphne's face was bleak when Katherine had said that. "You really are ignorant, are you?" Daphne spoke. - Katherine stood there in silence, trying to put her finger on what Pansy had been so disfigured about. She stared at Daphne; Daphne's eyebrows were raised, antagonized that it had taken almost a full-year for Katherine to understand why Pansy seemed ill at ease every time she was alone with Katherine.

"The Yule Ball?" Daphne spoke in an exaggerated tone.

Katherine was still ignorant. She barely remembered a detail from that night, befuddled and intoxicated she was that night she didn't know why Pansy was so diseased at the sight of her, or even the mention of her name. She could only wonder why Pansy was so incensed ever since.

"You still have no idea, don't you," Daphne huffed in a beaten tone.

Disenchanted by Katherine, Daphne continued talking, blabbering about how Umbridge had fussed about her skirt being rolled up. Katherine had continued to nod and smile. Distracted by the never ending thoughts in her head.

Whatever she had done had been bad, especially for Pansy to be this furious with her for so long.


"Merlin! She has no idea!?" Pansy ranted, and Blaise continued to look at her in an ill and unreasonable manner. Not wanting to disrupt her for his own sake.

"It's her  fault! And she can barely even realize it!" She continued yelling.

"It's Katherine." Blaise muttered, loud enough for Pansy to hear him from across the room. "What else would you expect? For her to be the same person she was before all of this?"

"Yea, pretty much Blaise," Pansy exclaimed in frustration. "She's supposed to be MY friend, not somebody that wanders of every night to Merlin knows where?! She's supposed to be here for ME."

"She just lost her sister Pansy," Blaise muttered, still loud enough for Pansy to hear him through all the commotion downstairs.

"I know that." She explained. "I know that, I'm not oblivious.." Pansy spoke.

Blaise stared at Pansy, resilient that Pansy sounded just a tad guilty.

"But what she did to me. She left me there. She left me there with him. Him. I needed her. She was my best friend. And she ran off. She ran off to who knows where." Pansy argued one last time, Blaise's head turned immediately too Pansy. "Who? Who did Katherine leave you with?" Blaise interrogated.

Who was "Him"? Who was he? What did he do to her? Who did Katherine leave her with? Blaise thought to himself.

Pansy sat there silently. Her lips parted but not a single word came out of her mouth. 

Love Notes to Nightmares - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now