Chapter 12 More gray hood kid lore

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Y/n 3 POV

I keep thinking about what happened to that axel kid why was he kidnapped who started it why specifically him I needed answers so I saw him and asked while it was recess

Y/n 3: "Yo axel what happened after you found Tyson dead"

Axel: "Well we looked over to the right and saw niko was the one who shot them an-

Y/n 3: "Wait he killed his own brother why?"

Axel: " i- I was just going to say that!"

Y/n 3: "Ok"

Axel: "And I knew why, his brother always bothers him, whenever he liked something his brother didn't which was a lot he started harassing him about it and even if he hadn't talked about it in months he'd still act as if he were obsessed, but thats not much no there's more, his brother whenever he spoke or hummed he hit him when I say he I mean niko, and didn't share well and his mom couldn't stop his brother, after a while he turned insane and told me about it anyway back to the story, everyone ran except me and I slowly backed away, and he was covered in blood as he shot some random girl, I started running and me and the rest of the group hid and thought of a way to defeat hi-,

*bell ringing sounds* *bell ringing sounds*

Axel: "Looks like I gotta go back"

Flowey POV

Flowey: "Asriel remembers what you did last time"

*insert Asriel laughter*

Asriel: "Flowey your speaking like a temmie"

Flowey blushed

Flowey: "NO I'm NOT!"

Asriel: "Yes you do"

Asriel fell on the ground with laughter as Flowey remembered the wheels on his pot y:n 2 gave him and rolled away

Muttering Flowey: "Stupid Asriel knowing about my stupid cr-

Chara: "Oh hi Flowey"

Flowey: "Oh hello Chara"

Frisk: "Flowey it sounded like you were gonna say crush"

Asriel ran after Flowey left and finally caught up

Asriel: "Flowey, has, a, crush, on, te-

Flowey: "That's enough talking Asriel"

Frisk:  "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-

Flowey: "You gonna stop frisk or will I have to make you stop"

Frisk: "Hey y/n 3 defeated you when you had around six or seven souls me and the author forget"

Chara: "It was six"

Then a Flowey appeared from a portal

????? ?????: "hey Flowey I'm from an x reader but I'm from a part of the book from when this chapter is written isn't wrote yet, also I might tell temmie your cru-

Then someone grabbed him

Other Flowey: "Y/n LET ME GO"

Other y/n: "NO GET BACK HERE"

Flowey: "What the fu-

End chapter

464 Words

Normally I go for at least 500 but I'm lazy today so nah plus gotta update that Flowey x reader

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