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      The thudding of his paws against the forest floor was comforting to Mark as he ran alongside Jinyoung. He felt free and able to do anything.

      Not long after the two of them changed Mark had figured out that wolves could speak to each other telepathically while in their wolf forms. At first, it had scared Mark. It was uncomfortable having someone interrupt his thoughts, but he became comfortable and the the bond between them had strengthened almost immediately. It almost seemed like a normal thing to do.

      We can head back now. The border seems free of any suspicious scents. Jinyoung glanced over at Mark as he spoke.

      Mark simply let out a grunt to show he had heard. Jinyoung had suggested skirting the border to make sure Kyungjoon's pack wasn't crossing into their territory, but it was surprisingly safe. Mark could smell even the faintest of smells now. At first, he had been bombarded with every scent but as he focused he could tell Bambam and Yugyeom had been out here about a week ago. The smell was still lingering. He could also smell the other pack members. Jackson's scent was the most recent and Mark figured he went out for 'runs' often. He didn't blame him though. Going for a run seemed to clear his mind and leave all troubles behind. It was relaxing.

      Let's go. We can change inside.

      Jinyoung didn't wait for Mark's response as he ran full speed back towards the manor. Although Jinyoung was fast, Mark was at his heels. He let out a gleeful howl which Jinyoung followed suit. The two continued their vocal run until they reached the back door of the century-old building.

      Without much warning, Jinyoung began to shift as soon as they reached the door. Quickly, Mark closed his eyes and tried to focus on changing form rather than Jinyoung's naked body. The change this time wasn't any less painful than the first time. He could feel every single bone break as it shifted back into its human structure. Mark let out muffled cries of pain, his eyes opening wide as the last bone set with a bloodcurdling crack.

      "I don't think I'll get used to that," the red head muttered as he ran his hands through his disheveled hair.

      "You will," Jinyoung spoke up. At the sound of his human voice, Mark looked up only to look down at his own bare frame. Instantly, his hands moved from his hair down to cover his junk. His cheeks reddened and he fixed his gaze on the floor. "Can we...can we change now?"

      Seeming to be amused at his reaction, Jinyoung chuckled and turned around, leading him back inside. "Yeah, sure. I'll give you some of my clothes to wear. I can have Bambam or Yugyeom retrieve the clothes we left in the forest."

      Mark was relieved when Jinyoung turned around and lead him inside. He kept a distance behind the dark haired male as he was lead up the stairs. The house was certainly beautiful. It was definitely older. The stairs wound gracefully up to the second floor where multiple halls lead this way and that.

      Jinyoung stopped in front of the door, glancing back at Mark quickly before opening the door. He strode over to a dressed and opened the drawer. Pulling out a set of clothes, he handed them to Mark before grabbing some for himself. "You can change in here if you're uncomfortable with being naked still. I'll go to the bathroom." With a last warm smile, Jinyoung left the room, closing the door behind him.

      Mark let out a sigh of relief. Finally he had privacy. He set down the clothes on Jinyoung's bed and was pulling on the shirt when someone burst into the room.

      "Hey, Jinyoung do you mind if I-"

      The voice cut off as Mark pulled the shirt down to reveal his face. Standing at door was someone Mark was rather shocked to see. However, the shock didn't last long when he realized he was still naked. Feeling panicked, the red head grabbed the pair of jeans in an attempt to cover himself up.

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