Chapter 7: The worst feeling is regret

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She remembered all those little feelings she got when she was with Sheldon. The butterflies in her stomach and the way her heart used to beat a little faster when his beautiful light blue eyes looked back into hers,the way her lips used to tingle when he pressed his lips onto hers. The feeling she got when she hugged him and could smell his scent that no other man had. She loved every feeling and she craved it . It made her feel alive and not alone. Maybe that is also why people date but is it worth it in the end if there is a big chance for a break up ? Is all those feelings worth it ?

She missed those feelings and she missed Sheldon alot. She missed everything about him. She was broken out of her thoughts once the gang sat on the couch with the phone connected to the TV now and they all had their beers. They were playing a drinking game on her dating life. Really ? Eventually she realised she would have played the game to so again she didn't complain .

They were making a big joke of everyone who showed up on the screen and laughing but Amy felt bad for those people. All they wanted was love and they were being mocked, they didn't even know about it. What if other people were doing the same to her picture. That thought made her feel more lonely and sad.

"Amy,you have a message"Penny said as they heard the notification go off on her phone .

Oh no !! no no no ! She was scared it was Dave from last night and her fears were right. She got up and told everyone not to read it but they did so anyway . All she could feel was her cheeks getting hot and she was probably going red. There goes waiting a while,Amy thought in her head.

She eventually sat down again and tried to explain everything to everyone's shocked faces. Penny and Bernie looked a little disappointed that she didn't tell them. Amy felt bad and felt sick to her stomach a little at the thought of disappointing her friends.


After they cleared everything up and gave the phone back they decided to get lunch which everyone agreed to. Amy stopped the girls in the kitchen before heading out to stop the sickness she felt of guilt.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you but it wasn't because I didn't want to it was just that dating again feels so weird and confusing.I don't know why I'm doing this anyway but I know I need to and I just didn't want to make it more confusing for me."Amy said trying to explain but Bernie and Penny had an understanding expression.

"Sweetie,we understand. Don't worry about it.We know how tough this break up has been on you and we not going to  put you on the spot or anything."Penny said.

Bernadette followed Penny and said :" yeah,we are always going to be here for you no matter what and we are sorry for putting you on the spot today about dating ,we just needed something good to come out of this. It has also been a little hard for some of us to watch you guys in pain like this but we want the best for you both. "

Amy smiled and nodded. They had a group hug before catching up with the guys for lunch. Amy felt a little better knowing they were always there for her and they understood. She felt so grateful for them and she didn't know what she would do without them to be quite honest.


After a couple of days,Amy decided to go out with Dave again. He wasn't to bad and like she said to herself,she is trying to move on . That afternoon,Sheldon left her a voicemail. This was the first contact in so long that he had with her. He was speaking to her again.

She played the voicemail and hearing his voice again brought back the butterflies that she felt in her stomach. She missed his voice. She forgot how he sounded when he was happy. Her heart felt full in that moment. She didn't want it to end really if she was being honest. She could listen to him forever. His little laugh in the end was just what she needed to hear and it made her day.

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