Chapter 11: Why is life so screwed up ?

Start from the beginning

When Professor Proton died and Leonard was there to comfort him,when Penny gave him Leonard Nimoy's napkin and he hugged her. These two have been such a big part of his life now so how could they leave to. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair anymore. He missed Amy so much ,it hurt and he was trying his best but it was hard every day. To get him out of bed knowing he wasn't going to see her or hear her voice made his heart feel like it was shattering. Now the only people who were able to help him through it were leaving to.

They didn't want to be around him to. He just felt so tired and hurt now. With the tears fighting to escape ,he just heard the door slam behind him. He didn't realise how hard he slammed the door when he came in until it was to late. He just sat in his room and tried to just collect himself. Why did he have to cry so often now. Why was it a daily thing ? Did he do something wrong ?Did he deserve this pain ?

The tears fell more and he could now hear the ugly cry that was now the only thing he could hear. He could feel everything but nothing at the same time. It didn't make sense. The pain was there but it was like he was growing tired of constantly feeling like this. It was like he didn't care anymore and just felt sort of numb.

Eventually after being in his own world for a few hours, Sheldon decided to go talk to Bernadette. He trusted her and needed some comfort but his heart ached because the only person he wanted to talk to was Amy. He brushed off the Amy thoughts. They were stronger today and maybe it was because Leonard and Penny leaving reminded him of her leaving.

Why did he have to say that. He was so dumb. He just made Bernadette feel unimportant by saying he would go to many other people before her. Bernadette was sweet, kind and she understood him on a level no one else would. He was the only one who understood her when she was pregnant and she understood him when everyone else thought he was being 'dramatic'.

He wasn't close to her like he was with Penny and Amy but he found their friendship quite important and valued her opinion to. She did give him some advice to let them move as it was about time but he didn't want to hear that. He said his goodbyes and left to get back to the apartment.

He got home and Leonard was sitting there on the single couch next to Sheldon's spot,drinking tea.

"Hello" Sheldon said trying to be rational. He couldn't look at Leonard in the eye. It hurt to know he is losing his best friend. He just went to sit on his spot .

"Sheldon ? I'm sorry to the way I told you I was moving to Penny's but I think it is about time. We are married Sheldon and I know you don't do well with change but I need you to be on board. You are my best friend and I need your support." Leonard said and then took another sip of his tea .

"I know. It is just I don't want to lose you and Penny to. You two have been my only support through these couple of months and I can't lose you both too." Sheldon said with his voice slightly cracking.

"Do you know how crazy you sound Sheldon ? You are not going to lose us ever. We will be right next door and it will be hard to not live with my best friend anymore but this is something we need to do. If you are in a bad place because of Amy or something then I'm a call away and I will be right here when you need me,okay ?" Leonard said as he got up to sit next to Sheldon.

"okay" Sheldon said and nodded. Leonard gave him a hug and Sheldon hugged him back.

"Leonard, I'm not crazy my mother had me tested." Sheldon said while they were hugging. Leonard just laughed and Sheldon couldn't help but give a chuckle to.

He felt better now that they talked. Leonard was his best friend and he wanted his friend to be happy. They needed to do this.Even if it hurt him. He shouldn't let his friends suffer.

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