Stardust Crusaders 21

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 "This is not making any sense. There is not a soul anywhere in this amusement part so why do I continue to hear the cries of a baby? Where is it?"

In that moment he noticed balloons ascending to the skies all with small cards tied to the cords as he saw a bright green one approaching him as the red head grabbed the card carefully, inspecting it u close, turning it around as his eyes dilated as he saw the design. "This card is....DEATH 13!" He observed as suddenly "The card is moving!"

The design started to move as suddenly it came out of the card itself freaking the teenager out as the scythe stabbed though the dog's skull, killing it instantly as blood gushed everywhere, horrifying him.

"AAAAH!" Kakyoin woke up screaming on top of his lungs as Polnareff held him back trying to calm down his fried, who was breathing heavily, drenched in sweat.

"Kakyoin! Hey take it easy. Stop screaming and shaking the bed like the girl from the Exorcist. You are weirding me out." Polnareff chuckled lightly as Kakyoin looked around the unfamiliar dark room with two single beds. "Where are we?" he asked puzzled.

"Do not ask stupid questions. "Polnareff replied clapping his hands together walking towards the window. "Come on, get up already." He opened it as the sunlight blinded the red head as he shielded his eyes from the light. "After breakfast, we are going to take to the skies." The Frenchman informed him cheerfully "you should have seen Y/N; she looked like the world would end." He laughed "Looks like another scorcher."

".....I had a terrible nightmare...." Kakyoin revealed as the tension fell from his body as he buried his face in his hand "It was horrifying...." He muttered weakly.

"Oh, lay on the details." Polnareff demanded curiously hunching down obviously interested. "I want to hear all about it!"

"Thing is, I cannot remember....I have forgotten it all." Kakyoin mumbled.

"Huh?" The Frenchman deadpanned staring at the teenager in disbelief.

"Regardless, it was petrifying. You woke one up and pulled me out of it...." The red had sighed.

".....Wish we could talk more, but we have got to get a move on! Let's go!" The silver haired man decided grabbing his luggage walking to the wooden door casually. "Hurry up and get ready or else Y/N will give us hell." He left as Kakyoin pulled down the white bed sheets as he noticed a bloodstain on it, noticing there was a wound on his left palm.

"There is a cut on my hand. How did it get there?" He wondered out loud.

"Y/N, Jotaro and Mr Joestar are already headed to the plane, when we met up she can heal your cut. Supposedly, we are travelling five hindered kilometers today." Polanreff stated as both men left the hotel as they heard a young boy screaming in terror crying:

"My dog! My poor dog is .....dead!" He shouted as he pointed at the dead brown Labrador lying dead on the ground in front of his home, staved through its head. "Who would do such a thing?"

"" Kakyoin's eyes widened holding his head. "A dog....I could have sworn I saw a dead dog not too long ago." He mumbled trying to remember.

"Whoever did this is sick, but there is nothing we can do about it. Let's go." Polanreff stated grimly continuing his way. "If Y/N were here, I bet she would come up with some miracle but we are not her..." However Kakyoin did not follow but continued to watch the grieving child as tears streamed down his face.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora