present day

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(So this is where the story will kind of continue but clearly older and in the time of the show happening)


You smiled as you walk into the kitchen early in the morning and sigh seeing the kitchen was yet again a pig sty.

"Morning" Yuki smiles walking in as he kisses your head and you smile.

"Moring YuNii" you smile as Yuki smiles at his favorite nickname in the world.

"Well you should be getting ready for school" he smiles as you smile.

"True but someone has to clean all, this" you say motioning to the toxic jungle.

"I am so sorry-" Yuki smiles guilty as you both laugh opening the doors to see a young girl as she looks up and gasps.

"Oh- Miss Honda" Yuki smiles.

"Sohma!" She gasps as she bows "goodmorning!"

"Goodmorning what are you doing here?" He asks.

You were all confused when the girl said she lived near regardless tho her and your brother left for school and you stood beside Shigure watching them leave.

"Still didn't tell him about the bullying?" Shigure asks as you sigh putting on your back pack.

"No Shigure I haven't it doesn't matter tho" you smile as you wave and head off to school.


Your ears wilt when you see your brother missing from his room, you knew he'd probably returned home overnight to challenge the rat zodiac, it was all he ever talked about.

Of course you knew it was because of the deal but you still this felt bad, so here you were running home as well trying to find your idiot brother. You didn't expect to see a frazzled panicked girl holding the three zodiac boys in her ar,s the moment you knocked on the door.


You had been looking high and low panicking, your baby brother had been missing for 3 days! The first day you were shore it was most likely dark haru and hatsu didn't want to accidentally hurt you, by day two you were worried.

You first checked with akito worried she'd just kidnapped him or something along those lines but Shigure told you how she had not seen or wanted to see your brother since the incidents which left only one conclusion...

He was looking for Yuki.


To say you were angry when you got a call that your little brother had been picked up by Hatori to leave school and go somewhere was an understatement, so now here you were as you pant looking up at the school, students whispering about you as you ran inside.

Dragon boy was so dead!


You smiled as you yawn walking downstairs to see Yuki and your brother talking to someone and you tilt your head and walk over to investigate.

"Whos this?" You smile tilting your head as the girl gasps.

"Oh my im so sorry! I was just talking to sohma and I" you giggle with a smile and shake your head.

"Its fine dont worry gee I won't bite yoyr head off, that's his job" you smile pointing at your brother.

"Oh your his sister" she smiles "you must be the one who painted these stones!" She smiles as you nod with a smile.

"I am" you smile.

"I noticed the cat was missing" she pouts as you gasp and hold her shoulders.

"You like the cat zodiac two!" You smile as she gasps her eyes shining and she nods as you blush rubbing your head "truth is I did do a cat but I ended up keeping it" you smile as Yuki shakes his head.

"What you see in the cat i will never understand" Yuki grumbles as you smile.

"Of course youd say that" you smile as he chuckles nervously and you wave shigure goodbye and you three decide to head to school together.


You had looked everywhere for your big brother, high and low all around his office. You were meant to say goodbye to him before you left for school but he was just missing.

It made you a little bit sad but you headed off to school none the less.

Little did you know today would be one that changed your story forever

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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