6.Drooling over.....😊

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After chat that night

Pakhi P.O.V

'Amey' I screamed.

'What happenend?'

'Areey that Kabir is my toy now.'

'Nice ....but who kabir?'

'That new boy who joined school today....'

'What rubbish?! Many students joined school today!'

'In other section two boys joined. So one of them. '

'Okk but which one'

'That one who was roaming with Sehmat '

'I hate him'

'But I'll chill'

'Ugh fine What will you do?'

'Nothing just play with him"

'Ok good night I am going to sleep

'Ok gn'

Back to Kabir's house

Vihaan P.O.V

'Kabir!!Kabir' I whispered. But my dear friend was asleep. I was thinking how to trap Keya and Pakhi. Then I got a notification I checked my phone and it was saying Sehmat. Singhania95 tagged you in a post. When I clicked that I saw post and was blushing hard. It was damn beautiful 😍.

I commented '❤💗' on her post

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I commented '❤💗' on her post. After that I kept phone on table and started thinking about her only. I don't know the account of keya and pakhi. So I thought to check out pakhi first. Then I tried hard to sleep but everytime a face flashes in front of me and that is

(Who thought Sehmat?)

But I still tried to sleep.

At morning 6am

'Abey uth!! Kitna soyega?? (Wakeup how much will you sleep?)' Kabir screamed in my ears.

'5 minutes! Just 5 minutes '

'No yaar!....Oh Hi Sehmat!! What a pleasent surprise!!'

'Sehmat.....Sehmat...where is she?'

'In your dreams now wake up'

'Ohk finee'


'Kay (nickname of keya) it would be fun at school today'


'That handsome kabir likes me'

'Ohho great...Dunno what I like his friend Vihaan too much....plz ask him for me naa'

'Fine I'll try

Their conversation broke when somebody knocked the door. It was

(Who guessed Kabir??)

She started lesson 1 NUMBER LINE.


It was maths class and I hate it the most teacher was teaching about Integers which was not that much interesting so I was rolling my eyes here and there but then teacher asked me
I didn't know the answer then also I went to board and marked 2.95 after 3.
The whole class was laughing at me and I started sobbing. But then I thought keya and pakhi will not laugh at me but they were also so I started sobbing hard but then all started to tease me more especially that

Then teacher scolded all of them. And especially
Keya and pakhi because they were also not good at maths. So they were having no rights to laugh on me. And that Ayush I will handle him later.

To be continued....

So that's all for today....
Will be back with new chapter and I will be starting a new book from MAY OR NEXT WEEK Stay tuned....

What will amey do for Pakhi?

Why kabir didn't went to meet pakhi?

What will keya do now for Vihaan?

How interesting will be Ayush and alaaya 's banter would be?

Keep trying to find answer till next part....Take care and don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT my book.


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