Chapter 16

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Akui and Iida walked out and yoru called after Akui, "hey loser....", he looked over at her with a smirk, "what?", she threw a peace sign, "don't lose", he laughed, "i wont", he walked away and yoru smirked, "i wonder how this will play out". Mina nudged her, "omg you're talking to major hottie? Are you two friends? He's like...todoroki hot", yoru scrunched her nose, "definitely not", mina laughed, "right he's not your type?", yoru stuck out her tongue, "no, he's not....he's just a person i can tolerate". Yoru watched as Akui stood across from iida, "i wonder who will win", yoru raised an eyebrow, "fire against speed....who knows", the match began and right away iida ran towards Akui. Everyone watched as Akui didn't move, "what is that idiot up to", all of a sudden he jumped into the air and landed on the opposite side of iida, "'d he do that?", yoru shrugged, "his quirk obviously, he propelled himself into the air using basically acted as rocket boosters", mina and the rest of the class nodded in understanding. Akui held out a hand and shot fireball after fireball towards Iida, Iida tried his best to dodge but he was just getting lead around by Akui. Iida rushed towards him again but this time Akui didn't dodge, He stepped forward and engaged in hand to hand combat with iida. Akui flipped iida over his shoulder and twisted his arm, apprehending him, Akui smirked, "listen man....i don't wanna cause any major damage to your forfeit or i'll have no choice but to break your arm", Iida flinched and grunted, "i can not just forfeit the match, it would disgrace me and my family! I will fight until the end!", Akui sighed and raised his fist, "you really don't know how to make this easy, man", he struck Iida's head, knocking him out. Akui got up and stepped back, "this match is over", midnight walked up to Iida to check if he was still conscious, she raised her arm, "Tenya Iida is unconscious!! Akui Ikuji wins this match!!", he smirked and walked away. Yoru looked over at Mina, it was their match now. The two girls stared at each other with smirks once they made it onto the arena, "alright! Let's rumble!", yoru got in her stance and nodded, "no hard feelings right?", she moved her hands around in front of her and breathed out to concentrate, wind surrounded her arms and headed for mina, mina hesitated and threw a frontal attack but yoru spread her hands and the wind split like a spider web and caught her from behind, "like i'd let you get me like that!", mina dodged and charged towards yoru while sliding on her acid. Right as mina got close to yoru she jumped up and flipped to kick mina out of bounds, she twisted her body and landed on the ground in a crouch, yoru stood up straight and so did mina unaware of her surroundings, "why aren't you attacking?", yoru put her hands on her hips and looked down, "MINA ASHIDO IS OUT OF BOUNDS!!!", mina gasped and looked down to see her feet were over the border, "aww what?! No way!!", yoru walked up to her, " hard feelings", she held a hand up and mina pouted, "yeah yeah", she shook her hand and pulled yoru into a hug, the crowd erupted in awwes and cheers, yoru angrily pouted and pulled away from mina, "d-don't hug me!", mina grabbed yoru's hand, "let's head back yeah?", yoru rolled her eyes, "yeah obviously", they walked out of the arena and towards their seats. The next match was katsuki against kirishima, kirishima got close to katsuki and nicked him but katsuki countered it with an explosion. Kirishima kept attacking relentlessly, but Katsuki was dodging left and right, yoru clenched her fists and yelled, "come on katsuki! Don't make a fool of yourself!", she saw the expression on his face change and he yelled while throwing a barrage of explosions towards kirishima, "i think he's ticked off", yoru pursed her lips to stop herself from smiling, "you think?", the smoke cleared and kirishima was on the ground, yoru cheered along with everybody else, "WITH THAT VICIOUS CARPET BOMBING, BAKUGOU ADVANCES TO THE THIRD ROUND!!", the jumbotron showed the final four, "AND THAT COMPLETES THE FINAL FOUR!!", Yoru, Akui, katsuki, and todoroki were on the screen, yoru stood up, "where are you going?", yoru turned to mina, "well...i'm going to go hype myself up before my match...peace", she threw up a peace sign and turned to walk away. As she was walking she had her head down, her mind was clouded in thoughts of what if, she bumped into something and looked up, "ka..katsuki", she blushed a bit, "Yoru...we made it into the top four....soon we will be fighting", she looked away, "idiot i know that...don't expect me to be nice", he shook his head, "you dumbass...i'm not going to hold back either!! So don't cry when I hit you too hard!!", yoru put her hands on her hips, "like I would cry from your weak ass blows!! You better watch yourself! I don't plan on losing!!", she looked into katsuki's fiery eyes, "you're one of the people i want to fight the don't hold back....i mean it", yoru smiled warmly, "i never planned on it dumbass", Katsuki looked into her crystal blue eyes and got lost in them, "then...when we fight....may the best win", yoru blushed and looked away flustered, "right...may the best win...", yoru leaned in and pecked his cheek, "stop being's not your style", Katsuki stopped her from walking away and kissed her, "you can't just kiss someone and walk away asshole...i'm not a pushover", she hesitated but smirked and tilted her head, "i never said you were a pushover....that's what i like about you hot head", they both heard present mic announce Akui's win and let go of each other, "fuck....we missed their match....", yoru dryly chuckled, "who cares....i knew Akui would win against's obvious who would win", she patted his shoulder and walked away, "i'll see you on the battlefield".

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