Chapter 11: Explaining.

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"Error, I thought you died! Oh my.. I guess it was the right choice not to tell them yet."

Nightmare sat in the couch with Error.

The others are busy with feeding Killer's bunnies. Killer is the youngest (in mental state) out of all of them. If one of those bunnies die, they either have to get a replacement fast or else Killer will cry.

You know havoc happens when the youngest starts to cry.

"Yeah. I thought so too. Seems like you don't have to hit Fate with a chancla afterall."

Error spoke, hinting Fate's innocence.


Nightmare asked, not getting Error's hint.

Error facepalmed, he had to explain.

Dang it, he has to talk.


"Basically imagine Fate as me. She has her own manipulator too."

Error tried to explain in simple terms.


Nightmare nodded, trying to undertand what Error is talking about.

This is when it clicked in Nightmare's head.

"..Wait.. what!?"

Nightmare shouted, which led to the three going towards them.

Error smiled. Nightmare got it so.. he doesn't have to explain..

...which means no talking-


"Mommy.. why did you shout?"

Killer asked like the cute bean he is.

"..It's nothing Kills. How about you go feed 'Mr. Carrot' , 'Mrs. Radish' , 'Mr. Hay the Fourth' and 'Ms. Cucumber the second' their favorite snacks while Mommy deals with big bro? How does that sounds?"

Nightmare gently asked Killer. Killer likes to name his bunnies based on their favorite snack, no one knows why really.

Killer walked happily to his bunnies once more, Dust and Horror stopped for a moment to look at Error's condition.

"Duuuudeee... That looks painful."

Dust commented on Error's appearance.

"Yeah whatever. Stop mimicking Cross, it just makes us miss him more. Well atleast he's happy somewhere."

Error spoke, rolling his eyes.

"You're making it sound like he's dead- Y'know he is just happily memeing with his 'friend' Epic somewhere Toby-knows-where. Ugh.. Come on Horror."

Dust replied, then left to follow Killer with Horror.

"..Does Dream know..? Or Ink, cause he fell in with you? Wait- How'd you even got out?"

Nightmare spoke, returning to the conversation.

"..Yeah. Probably. It's a long story..."

Error spoke, trying to not prolong the conversation.

"I will listen to you. Don't worry."

Nightmare spoke, looking at Error.

Error sadly sighed.

He had to talk...

Dang it.

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Meanwhile, Ink explained everything to Dream. Not avoiding any questions asked.

"So that's why Error didn't feel pain when he came here.. Also, why did I get to be the minion?"

Dream wondered.

"Eh. Maybe because I'm better than you :>"

Ink responded.

"How dare-"

Dream spoke, offended.

Ink already ran away.

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"Finally! We caught them in our trap! We can lock them up now.. We can finally have our happy end!"

"..I hope nothing goes wrong.."

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