One (Edited)

358 13 2

Perfect smile? Check.
Perfect face? Check.
Perfect body? Check.
Perfect attendance? Check.
Perfect marks? Check.
Perfect student? Check.
Perfect daughter? Check.
Perfect family? Check.
Perfect life? Check.

Fuyuku Fujisaki, a child birthed by two loving people. She was what every girl dreamed to be and envied, and what every guy wished. But what about her younger sister? 

Oh, she was nobody in particular. Just an illegitimate child of a mistress. According to the media, the mistress drugged the husband one night as a plan for her to live off of him. But that news was old. The mistress died 2 years after entering house Fukisaki, and on Fuyuku's 13th birthday, so did the bastard child. 

But you know what they say, the media is not always accurate. 


In the still mansion, all that could be heard were shoes hurrying to and fro from the servants' busy schedule. Such sounds were what you would mostly hear on a day-to-day basis as you got dressed. It was nothing new and the feeling of loneliness was nothing new as well. You got used to it after years of playing the perfect little daughter of some rich family. 

Just as the servants, your movements were quiet as you graced across the room to your vanity, picking up a hairbrush and brushing your hair. "Miss Fuyuku?" A voice on the other side of the door calls out to you. "Please excuse my rudeness, I'm coming inside." You said nothing and allowed the maid inside. 

"Ah, it's good to see that you're awake, Miss. I am here to inform you that breakfast is ready and that the car is outside," she reports, posture right with both hands in front of her. Quietly, you set the brush down and stood up, facing the young woman. "Thank you. I'll be down in a second." You forced a smile. The woman smiles and excuses herself, leaving you alone in your room once more. 

With one last look at the mirror, you practised a smile that wouldn't look too fake. But the closer you look, the more you feel disgusted. Rather than forcing a smile, you wished that a smile would forever be plastered on your face. That way, even if you were to grow tired, no one would know. If she was alive, I wouldn't need to do this..

As if on cue, the sun's light that shone through the window reflected off of a frame that sat on the side of the table which caught your attention. There was no other picture other than the one of a young girl, smiling more brightly than the sun. If someone were to look at it, they would assume that it was you when you were young. O' how wrong they were. 

Such genuine, happy smile.. You missed it-- you missed her. A sad, gentle smile crept your face without your knowledge, and you reached a hand, touching the glass that protected the photograph. "I miss you, Fuyuku."

You no longer shed tears when you stare at the picture. After years of building up a wall and a facade, you can't allow yourself to cry over the past. So, retracting your hand away from the picture, you made your way to your bedroom door and left the room to be empty for the day.

Walking past servants, they all stop to greet you out of politeness. Fuyuku's name was the only name that left their mouth, but what could you do? Other than a few trusted servants that served way before the accident, all have been replaced and paid to keep their mouth shut. You didn't need to rush to the table as you know that you'd be greeted with a meal meant for one- for you only. There weren't any family member that would wish to dine with you anyway, but you also didn't want to see them. Well, other than your grandpa. 

So, when you entered the dining room, you weren't surprised to see the sun lighting up the lonesome room with breakfast for one. "I feel bad for the young miss." You heard a maid whisper to another one time. "She's always smiling and helping us servants, but don't you think she gets lonely? I mean, her parents don't join her for meals and the older mistress is always travelling.." It was a saddening fact indeed, but you did not care. 

You sat down and ate your breakfast without a single sound coming from you. The cooks did their best as always, you thought. The cooks always cooked large portions of food for you but you only took a few, small portions of the meal. After all, you needed to take care of your body-- Fuyuku's body.


"Good morning, Fuyuku!" Came a cheery voice the moment you stepped out of the car. You looked at the flight of stairs and at the middle, was a friend of yours. Well, she forced her way to be your friend but you didn't mind, getting used to the many types of people found at the school. "Good morn--" You were about to return the greeting but was replaced with a surprise look when she practically threw herself on you, wrapping her arms around your neck and bringing you close. 

"I was waiting for you for so long! I almost thought you wouldn't show up and became sad," she said once she released you from her suffocating hug. "Who knew you could be so mean?" She pouts, resting her knuckles on her hips. You sighed, smiling at the shorter girl. "Good morning, Cherry," you said which made her smile. 

"But then again, I know that my perfect friend will never miss school," she continued, straightening her posture and chin pointing to the sky proudly. Cherry was half-French and half-Japanese with shoulder-length, pink hair that curled inwards at the end and brown eyes. She looked like a porcelain doll with how small and pale her face was. You two met when you were both first years. She was new to Japan and knew little Japanese but when she saw you, she immediately came up to you and asked to be friends. When she asked, she was speaking French, probably forgot that she was in Japan. Luckily for you, you knew French. Since then, she stuck by your side. 

You almost feel bad about not telling her your secret, but you were no longer (Y/N). You were Fuyuku so it shouldn't make you feel guilty. 

"Well, let's go to class!" she said in broken Japanese, linking your arms and dragging you along. Looking at her, you silently wondered if you two would be friends in another universe where Fuyuku was alive. Well, that would be impossible since you doubt you'd ever had the chance to talk to a senior. 

If she knew, would she leave me?


A/N: I have restarted my work, finding it a bit too rushed for my liking. I hope you enjoyed this though! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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